[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

Yes, he very well could be a townie who’s not seeing things correctly. There are two mafias. Kind of a 2 v 1. I am in the two and I know I’m town. With my position, I don’t see it being likely. I could be wrong though.

Time to play “townslip or fake townslip”

I think it’s fake townslip.

…you’re the one who posted it…

That’s the whole point

You should know not to take comments like that seriously.

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time to play scumslip or not scumslip

Oh that. I’m not englishing well atm. What I meant to say is htm said if merc flipped town, he’d target me and squid. I said I am one of the two referring to the two of us. Make sense?

Why are you avoiding Ashe and instead voting Htm

Happy new year!


Happy new year! :confetti_ball:

:tada: :two: :zero: :two: :zero: :tada:


55 more minutes left


hrrmmm, a central timer…

wait, ari, aren’t you pst?

central timers are the superior beings you dingus

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East Coasters out

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(this is a joke)

2 AM here

Here’s a squid Iso, as best I can manage. I only quoted stuff that I think is important/relevant.

Early townread of marshal, looks as best I can tell as a gut read at best. Not really useful now, but might be later.

Early support for a derps wagon, never moved iirc.

I don’t know what openwolfing is, but this seems like a very natural response for a player who is not “openwolfing”. Doesn’t prove town tho. and yes I did censor that. fight me.

I have trouble believing that squid would not know that this is cop cover. Is she saying it’s bad cop cover, or trying to further rationalize her vote? idk.

I remember arete brought up a possibility of a perspective slip here. I don’t think the first post indicates that squid thinks you’re using the method, more just saying you’re wrong. (you’re = arete)

AtE Time!! I honestly tend to read AtE under pressure as scum, but I understand it’s part of her meta, so I’ll call it NAI.

I’m not really sure what to do with this. I feel like if I knew where/how to look, I could find something strongly AI, but idk how to read this.

This doesn’t feel natural to me. I think it’s that squid takes a pretty safe method of keeping people from ruling out marshal.

I don’t like this. I guess it could be natural enough, but also could be squid trying to help turn arete on marshal.

AtE is Swedish. Impressive. And annoying.

There’s like 30 swedish posts, and half are about the swedish, so I’m just gonna not comment on them.

I read them and their translations, and I felt a lot of AtE, a lot of rationalizing actions, and not much other substance.

This definitely seems remorseful. I don’t think this is AI, but I think it does mean that the swedish was not a tactic employed for scum benefit.

This kinda seems towny

Now this is interesting. Maybe I’m reading too much into this, but when he says nobody is helping her, I think this precludes him asking help from an active scumteam. This is clearly an AtE post, which is her speciality, so she might be able to pull something off. But if this AtE is not completely faked, then either she’s town, or she’s the only active member of the scumteam for this conversation. (which really doesn’t rule out many of the currently proposed scumteams with her, tbf)

Um, yeah. I mean, it was either do something or do nothing. Nothing means just waiting longer to do something, and something means jumping on something obvious until I can get a grip on the game.

So my actions def do look like that.

But, the fact that it’s true aside, who is it useful for? Imo, this is just as equally “town trying to find scummy people” as “scum trying to find scummy people who are not themselves”

Seems very interested in a derps lynch. Again, not making arguments directly against him, but rather supporting people who agree.

I struggle a little bit to parse this. This could easily be self-preservation (wasn’t super close iirc), or it could be based on his previous reads (wierd timing, imo)

The best explanantion I can come up with is that she planned to vote derps a while before, got more unwanted pressure, and followed through on the plan.

This is post 1179, I want to come back and try to get a vote count.

Squid seems to be getting rather rattled by someone who, at least from my perspective, had little credibility. Granted, derps is being rather antagonistic, but it doesn’t really seem like a natural response for town.

Um, might be super nitpicky, but why is vanilla town capitalized here? This feels like a slip of some sort, but I don’t know how to read it.

I don’t think that squid intentionally dropped cop cover, the way this indicates. Probably an accident, speaking to squid’s emotional state when writing the post.

This seems like a pretty towny response to a bad accusation

This honestly seems kinda townie, the patient impatience, roll-eyes sort of sarcasm. I’m not sure if I’ve seen it in scum before, but idk.

This seems fake tho, I kinda doubt that kyle would be inclined to think so far ahead as a chain myslynch. Almost looks like a chain myslynch that you’re setting up…

I’m having trouble rationalizing this as SvS. Individually, both people’s actions are pretty scummy. But it doesn’t seem like scum!merc would do on Scum!squid.

Although if they were very uncoordinated, and not using the scumchat, it might be possible.

Although this is wierd. Squid seemed very quick to forgive that vote. I think that I, or anyone in a non-scumbuddy situation would be very interested in pushing such an unexplained and quickly withdrawn vote. Note that there are no posts between this and the last.

I don’t remember seeing squid’s greencheck before. I kind of have to piece it together, but I’m pretty sure that this is it. Arete seems like a lazy guess/choice. More as a way of seeming town than cop.

//did you know that by typing three tildes '~' in a row, you can type code?
world="is scum"
for i in range(10):
    print(hello, world)
//anyways, on to day 2.

Not sure what to do with this, seems like an easily fakeable D2 entrance. On second thought, that actually seems a bit TMI. What made squid assume that the NK was solely on cop equity?

First of all, while this is technically true, wagonomically it’s false. I originally voted derps in post #1164, which puts me third of all the people on the derps wagon. I then tried to CFD off derps onto merc due to DADV, but arete said that was no good (later explained; cop equity), and I switched back.

So I was hardly the last person on the derps wagon, as you indicate.

From where I’m standing, this looks very much like a chain lynch.

Um, you never said anything about this before. Perhaps you said something about it to your scumbuddies?
Also contrast with previous post. This seems outright false.

Also, the second sentence’s logic seems bad

Still seems very willing to overlook what merc’s done scummy.

This seems very fakeable. Also, shows pretty clearly that he thinks merc is more town than I am scum. Which is weird, since most people agree that both of us are pretty scummy.

I don’t like when people say their gonna ISO with a certain outcome. You’ll see over the course of this Iso that I don’t have a single narrative I’m trying to justify.

Don’t see how that proves it’s a scum-driven wagon.

This a joke?

Which makes your treatment of him all the more curious. If you aren’t reading him town, what did you read him?

Well, I’m glad we agree that the current wagons are TvS

Uh, be nice if you, like, explain maybe?

If feel like you’re trying to look like you picked impartially between the wagons. But… that’s not what it looks like.


For the first half of the first day, squid seemed pretty nulltown.

Once mercenary entered the thread though, I feel like every other post is defending or TMIing him or something.

Second day seems still super siding with mercenary, but maybe possibly also consistant with a townie that just thinks they’re right and doesn’t realize they might be wrong.

And what if Merc flips Town? Who do you think is scum there because the Merc wagon popped much quicker than yours and you think it’s on a scum. With all three scum still alive, it’s either another mislynch or it’s a bus meant to frame someone for another mislynch

If merc flips scum… I’d probably be inclined to look carefully for a powerwolf like arete or more likely marshal.

I hardly think that 3 votes right at the start of day, on a pretty scummy slot, must necessarily be town-led.

sorry for slow response, thinking while watching movie is hard