[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

Read this.

I was mainly townreading Poisoned because when I first read what they were speaking, they weren’t acting as if English was worse than their swedish crap.

Tja, jag gillar inte någon av dem, men mer Jake med hyckleriet på gång. Bedöms för att ha talat ett annat språk … Det är bara lågt

“Well, I don’t like any of them, but more Jake with the hypocrisy going on. Judged to have spoken another language … It’s just low”

What do you see as Jake being hypocritical? He’s not speaking Swedish.

Stupid disease

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It may be possible since the accusation looked strange. But I’m not sure about it tbh.

I’m not the one who’s speaking in the language of some fish

Han ser Marshal som stad för att bara publicera bilder på en stund och med bilder ensam är det svårt att säga vad som händer med honom. Men för mig använder jag också ett annat sätt att kommunicera precis som Marshal gjorde, men Jake ser mig som 100% avskum för det som är väldigt väldigt dumt

I would check the rules, but @eevee-sama decided not to put any.

“He sees Marshal as a city for only publishing pictures for a while and with pictures alone it is difficult to say what is happening to him. But for me I also use another way of communicating just like Marshal did, but Jake sees me as 100% scum for what is very, very stupid”

He sees Marshal as a city for only publishing pictures for a while and with pictures alone it is difficult to say what is happening to him. But for me I also use another way of communicating just like Marshal did, but Jake sees me as 100% scum for what is very, very stupid

to be fair he has me as his n0.

I am interested on his take of my slot minus whatever mechanics might be going on

@JakeTheWolfie what would you read my slot as if i were not your supposed n0

I woul townread your slot over Poisoned because, unlike them, you quit your shit

What do you think of his explanation for why he reversed his read?

Didn’t see it

so would you read poisioned in a new light if they stopped speaking swedish?


Well, they would have to actually contribute to be townread,

That’s stupid



Look what I just got

do you think they haven’t contributed minus the whole swedish schtick?