[VFM] Cursed Images JOAT9 - D5 - Town win!

I looked at your entire ISO. Prove me wrong.


@Mercenary am I scum or am I town?
Is Dat scum or is he town?

And I’ll hold you to the answers for these questions.

No more flipflopping

I just declared myself sleepy as hell on venting thread
That will be for tomorrow :tm:

But you are scummy and Dat is townie, yes.

What about Set?

quick question i dont disagree with the thought process but how would you think a non new player town would respond im kind of curious. Take your time i ur doing other things, plus im rereading cause I skimmed the past 60 messages so i got time to wait

Well I think regardless of skill level you’d question the 180 as town, but from a new player perspective they are much less likely to realise to do that as scum.

And you can’t say I was cherry picking because I had over half your non-fluff ISO in my post. If that many posts are so obviously bad I don’t think you can flip town.

Re-reading over the posts I quoted, the first three don’t seem defensive, just explaining reasoning when prompted for it. I see the fourth one could be seen that way, but at that point I was in the middle of getting pushed and explaining context behind the read.

I don’t see how being mildly miffed by a read based on a sentiment I disagree with is anywhere near the ridiculous response I had in LotR.

Do you disagree with the reasoning of the last quote?

Once ya get a chance I want you to reread some of the posts between like 200 and 345 and see if you still have this opinion just curious

@DatBird sorry about not explaining my read yet

Going to wait until we’ve moved on from the hedging.

Tbf you said you ‘didn’t identify as town’ in LoTRFM


But stopping to reconsider a little bit since you have asked on STB yeah I maaaaay have gone too far on my tinfoiling
Don’t play mafia sleep.sleep-deprivedly kidz
Will check that better tomorrow

Well yeah that was straight up ridiculous.


Not really comparable to showing a normal level of incredulity at being pushed.

Im not mad, im just disapointed