[VFM] Cursed Images JOAT9 - D5 - Town win!


what’re you oofing for

and how did you dodge ten characters

My stand allows me to bypass 10 char limit

10 character limit doesn’t apply to normal threads, just private ones.

@Arete I never asked you about why you hard defended merc yesterday. So why did you do it?

When I first made my readlist I wasn’t really looking at Isos because lolmobile and I’d been gutreading her as town, then when you pointed out all the problems with her Iso I actually looked over it and I was like ‘this is kind of weird but I must have had some reason for the read even if I can’t articulate it.’ By the end of the day I was pretty convinced that she and James were W/W because neither of them was interacting with the other’s wagon/attempting a self-pres vote/etc., with a secondary possibility of them being T/T with the world’s lowest WiM, so it basically didn’t matter which we lynched as far as I could tell, but in the case where it was TvS I thought it basically had to be W!James as his lack of push on Merc/self-pres vote on Merc/etc. could be explained by his inactivity and inexperience while there was no real reason for Merc not to self-pres onto James there in the case where she was W and he was V, from which I came to the conclusion that he was a slightly safer lynch.

This is not a town mindset

Yes it is

If Aeric and Caelyn can both be scum, but Aeric can only be scum if Caelyn is, then lynching Caelyn makes more sense as lynching Aeric only kills scum in scenarios where lynching Caelyn would have as well

that’s basically the logic here

Townies want juicy, interaction filled lynches, not the LHF lynch.

You said ‘safer’ lynch to attempt to show a town caution mindset, which you think is something a towny would do when you’re a wolf, when in reality, townies are reckless and would’ve picked the Merc wagon there anytime.

…I’m 90 percent sure this is a difference in how we’re using ‘safer.’ From how I was looking at it at EoD yesterday, the only worlds where Merc was scum were worlds where James was scum, while the reverse was, barely, not true, making the James lynch safer because it was more likely to actually hit scum.

Elaborating, wolves try to act like townies, and imitate them therefore, imitate what they would think a towny would do. It’s why people who say don’t quickhammer have a higher likelihood to be scum. Yes I know I stopped a merc quickhammer but its an example

Pretty sure I maintained the stance that James was lhf yesterday and James was the self-pres wagon led by you to save merc

…well, see, from my point of view where I knew that wasn’t true, I wasn’t considering that as a possibility when trying to figure out who was scum.

Also, if the James wagon was supposed to save Merc, then why didn’t Merc vote it at any point?

She was claiming joat and didnt want to appear scummy.

She clearly had intention to vote James.

Nail in the coffin for you im afraid

…as shown by her post where she specifically justifies why she’s not voting James?

She wasn’t even claiming JoaT at that point, she claimed it as some sort of gambit at L-2 after never voting James. I acknowledge that James is mech clear here but she didn’t vote him, like, she basically doomed herself by guaranteeing a CC rather than ever actually cast a vote for him.

Ironically that is also an example of the wolf imitating town caution

‘I will not vote James as that will bring him to L-1’ is pretty clear intention that she would at the end of the day.

‘I think X and Y are a wolfteam based on how they’re the two top wagons and neither of them is voting the other nor acknowledging the existence of the other wagon’
X: ‘no no I’m totally going to vote Y later, for sure’

…you may also note that she in fact never did vote him.

Because she got quickhammered by hja

Which happened because she randomly decided to out herself as JoaT rather than actually, you know, voting James.