[VFM] Cursed Images JOAT9 - D5 - Town win!

Vote james with me

yeah no idea what hja is trying to do but sure as shit doesn’t look like a town move.


Vote Count

Voted Voters Votes
SetToBlow Mercenary 1/5
James Arete, H_Hja 2/5
Mercenary Monokumalice, SetToBlow, Red_Sea 3/5

VC 1

VC 2 <<

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Its a Very town move

alright whatever it’s like almost 1 am here, peace peeps

ah of course the classic “jump in the middle of the game, accuse some guy with under 20 posts and deny any arguments as being objectively wrong”
on par with the blitzkrieg tactics if i say so myself

Give me ten minutes to become Phoenix Wright

but for real ima sleep now

Let me check vc first

Yes Thats town move I agree

/vote james

No more votes on him for now so we use our remaining hours


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And then thread died

Oofers, I’m reading other threads plus I’m about to give a presentation. I should be active later

I was drawing

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You can vote james now right

I still have to create a case of my own on James

Who needs a case when you can just vote

cursed hja

If you vote james I’ll give you cookie

classic white knighting at start

double sided blade


he hasnt made any reads expect when pressured and even then he didnt show any certainty

this is totally legit read and not something I made up