[VFM] Elf Gold Rush - Game Over. Humans Win!

May I remind you, you’ve been saying your fine with going for people your not even sure are villager.

You just don’t get it do you Marl? Not everyone has an easy time explaining their reads and some people are too lazy to do so. I’m a little of both and you obviously haven’t read a word of my Pigeon Iso.

Is there a sort of thing for wolves pushing on wolves but then rescinding, similar to bussing but I’m starting to believe that’s what January and Leafia are after what they did earlier and yet now each are coming to one another’s aid while still arguing. I don’t like how January and Leafia are acting towards one another.

Then again, I will add, I didn’t like how January and Aelin were talking to each other yet I don’t see that as two members of Mafia just arguing so I might just be wrong, I just want to get my thoughts out there before my break ends as I can’t return before EoD (sorry).

…y’know, I’d expected for someone like Marl to hit me with a “Why do you vote Silviu?”
…but surprisingly, I don’t see it.

I don’t hold any attention towards Silviu. He is not even in my radar until the TMI discussion with Leafia & Windward showed up.

I just don’t want my vote to be wasted on a vanity wagon at EOD1. Does anyone else think Nuclear should be given more attention D1, or am I just being narrow-minded?


Me on my way to be w/w with everyone in existence:

If it’s one of these “new player wouldn’t do this as W” arguments, then I’m not sure if this really applies, considering her in-thread charisma.

Thinking that I’m a wolf here is the ultimate pepega take from you.

Never heard that word before my last games but I’m assuming it means really stupid.

it’s more that i am still just convinced leafia is a wolf and her pushing on leafia has felt fine more or less

You can’t be wolf if you’re wolf/wolf with everyone because then you’re too wolfy to be a wolf. Haha! :sunglasses: :slight_smile:

Sorry, a lot of this terminology that I’ve been learning has just been running through my mind.

We only have 35 minutes and we still haven’t figured out who to kill.

we have an hour and 35 minutes
and it’s… just gonna be leafia

And when I flip town? What then? You have nothing to go off of. Get out of that tunnel you’re in and start thinking. I’ll be expecting an apology from you and a promise not to be stupid like this again once you realize that you’re wrong about me being a wolf.

We have an hour and 35 minutes.

Thought the game ended an hour early, sorry

i’m not even really tunneling

Well, we don’t have a guarantee to hit Mafia though. We’ll have to figure things out even if you flip Town or Mafia, so there’s nothing different than if you were to flip Town or Marl were to flip Town who you’re currently voting, I believe.

if i were tunneling id still be pushing vulgard for a post he made 36 hours ago

I use periods too so you were correct there.