[VFM] Elf Gold Rush - Game Over. Humans Win!

Good. That’s an improvement then.
No more monke moves.

(Why do I feel like this will come and bite me back in the future?)

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted By Votes
Leafia EliThePsycho, thepigeonnyc, Clownzu 3/8
January Aelin, clonedcheese 2/8
Marluxion Vulgard 1/8
thepigeonnyc Silviu200530 1/8
Vulgard City, Nuclear_Rehab 2/8
Silviu200530 Leafia, WindwardAway, January, Zone_Q11 4/8
Not Voting Marluxion, min 2

By the way, cloned, for me not to be Atlas I would have to know a lot about them.

Here’s the post in question about me when the has me at null.

@Vulgard since you asked

all my previous games are linked there

Null. Never even realized it until now but hasn’t Silviu been all buddy buddy with multiple people this game? Almost as if he’s afraid of someone seeing him as acum. Kind of reminds me of how I was in Insurgency honestly.

Erase that null from there. It was my phone acting up again.

Leafia's readlist analysis / thoughts

So uh, I’ll just talk to myself here for a moment.

Leafia’s readlist reads:

Aelin: no read. - Sure, I don’t see a problem with this.

Cloned: flip-flopping but W lean because of his January interaction. - ? Wish it was explained why the interaction made Cloned a wolflean, rather than her listing the mere fact it did for her.

Pigeon: W because vibes. - …Sure? Her reasoning for it isn’t really comprehensible to me, and it boils down to “just vibes” which I kinda get.

Eli: V because his push on me is villagery. - Okay, I can see that.

January: W because of interaction with Cloned. - ?? I honestly have no idea why she thinks that interaction was W/W. Again, not explained, and somehow she reads January as wolfier than cloned here, which is… sure… but is this a W/W read? It looks like a W/W read, and I’m not sure where it came from.

Vulgard: V. - I mean, okay.

Marl: W because he’s pushing Vulgard. - Okay, admittedly I did find Marl’s push on me very wolfy considering how he approached it, but her reasoning here is straight up “scum push town.” And yes, I do realize she’s townreading me, but that seems far-fetched. Marl can still theoretically be town pushing on me, and while I don’t think that, she also doesn’t seem to think that… but she doesn’t cite my pushback on Marl as something she agrees with, or anything else. In short, I don’t see independent reasoning for Marl!scum here, other than “scum push town.” And that’s some lofty confidence in me being V and Marl being specifically W pushing me rather than a V pushing V or a V pushing W. It matches her prior reads, though, so it’s not that terrible.

Zone - V because he’s acting unusual but it’s villagery. - That’s roughly the read I have on him myself, so I see no problems with this one.

Silviu - V lean because acting similar to last game where he was town. - I kinda get that, but I haven’t seen his scumgame, so I can’t really tell if it’s a reliable way to read him.

min - W lean because the townread on me came too early. - Partly sheeping my reasoning and my wolfread here, but she takes more issue with the timing (too early) rather than the reasoning min used for the read. I don’t see a problem with that either, aside from the fact I would’ve liked her to have reasons different from mine, or to acknowledge the fact I gave her the read (because I’m pretty sure I did, given how similar it is to mine, and because I made it first). This kinda looks like she’s sheeping me without noting that she’s sheeping me. But that’s not really AI fmpov.

City - W lean because it looks like they are trying to go UTR. - I get that but I really think the slot is town. Regardless, this is the dismissive type of read a lot of wolves give, so I don’t like the approach.

Nuclear - Null, maybe W lean, don’t remember why W lean though. - Her instinct is to wolfread people, that’s my biggest takeaway from this.

WWA - V - Most of that V read is for WWA’s approach to me vs Marl, which is exactly what I scumread her for initially, so I pretty obviously disagree on this. I don’t think us disagreeing on this is necessarily problematic, though. The thing I take more issue with is the fact Leafia specifically brings up that WWA wasn’t willing to clear me or Marl if the other flipped wolf. And that Leafia townread WWA for this. This looks like she’s TMIng us as V/V, and is honestly making me doubt myself. I actually agree with Marl that had we randed W/W here, we wouldn’t have done this theater on day 1. Her read here looks more like a suggestion to chainyeet town in the future rather a genuine partner read.

Clownzu - Null because new.

Overall: 4 V reads, 1 V lean, 3 nulls, 3 W leans, 3 W reads

She has a ton of wolfreads/wolf leans. A ton. She has an avenue to push like 9 people. I’m not sure how AI that is but it’s noteworthy.

TL;DR I see some causes for concern in Leafia’s readlist, but I don’t take issue with most of her reads. Her WWA read is the one that’s making me the most doubtful because of her reasoning for townreading WWA seemingly relying on me/Marl being the same alignment, or something along these lines. The implication behind this is… yeah.

There’s also the Cloned/January W/W read that I have no idea why it’s there and I’d like to hear an explanation unless it’s already there in the ISO. @Leafia

I asked for an explanation from Leafia, you can’t argue for Leafia considering she is the one who moved their vote from you.

My vote has been on you from the start of the game, if that’s dropping a vote early, then why would I ever drop a vote considering the amount of time between these votes.

Also, after reading the thread.
Can we please all remember to be respectful to one another, at the end of the day, this is a game, toxicity isn’t kind. :slight_smile:


I’m not explaining, I’m clarifying. There’s a difference.

I still think that Clownzu’s tone is good, but nothing else she’s done is really villagery fmpov.

You clarified nothing helpful towards me.

Agree on this, though.

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You could argue for 10 minutes or 20 hours, the amount of time you argue for will not change my thoughts on the matter.

I’ll be real, a big reason why I don’t feel confident about the Silviu wagon is what happened in FAM. I thought he was mafia because he wasn’t doing anything of substance there, either - and he was town.

That would be a dumb play Marl. How can yeeting a.villager help town?

I’m reading a WWA wolfgame and she looks significantly more deflated than she does here, maybe I’m just wrong.