[VFM] Elf Gold Rush - Game Over. Humans Win!

shhh people don’t need to know about that game

that’s more of what i was referring to yeah

I actually have a 100% winrate if I exclude all the games I lost

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you just repeated what i said!

somehow i get the feeling it results in puking it out later

your mouth is wide enough to fit a burger
there’s still room
just don’t be a coward

yeah but mine included town games

by mafia i meant the game
not alignment

oh whoops

well, you have a 100% honk rate if it’s any consolation

a mcdouble isn’t that big
it’s a normal burger with two patties welded together w/ melted cheese


manual like

I’ve never lost a game

If I lost a game it’s because the hosts changed the Rand and didn’t tell me just to make me think I lost

oh ok yeah
i can see how it could be two bites lol

two maybe not, three or four maybe if goal is to consume in as few as possible

no that was just me claiming i was city and replaced out

i have one rn
it’s pretty small
i could eat it in two if i really tried

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one bite for each patty


probably results in chipmunk cheeks but oh well

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