[VFM] Elf Gold Rush - Game Over. Humans Win!

I’ve had messed up fries
Just that I never went back to those places again lol

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if a restaraunt is messin up french fries they probably are just a money laundering service in disguise


Did you go to restaurants that aren’t owned by companies?

Oh wait, technically all restaurants are owned by companies

I feel like I hyperpost and camp thread except when I’m actively dodging thread yet I don’t actually hyperpost
I genuinely have 0 clue how people can post that much

The most fervent feeling I have towards this game is that killing Leafia d1 was criminal

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Not private restaurants

Well actually they do have to be registered as some kind of company even if they’re family owned :sweat_smile: guess you’re right

It’s called “take my money and run off with it and I’ll be really angry”


So did you went to a private restaurant? Here in Romania there’s more private restaurants than restaurant chains like McDonald’s.

Yeah but I realize when you pay there’s still the restaurant name on the receipt which is the private company they register as

If they mess the taste of something as simple as fries then probable is not destinate to last.

I’ve been to restaurants that mess up cooking rice

Imo that’s even harder to mess up

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Like all you have to do is boil it in water, and especially if you have a rice cooker it doesn’t involve any work

Actually that now I think about it… maybe they just forgot about the food because they’re overworked.

you dont forget about the food when it’s literally your job

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Well, if it’s a restaurant doing ditzy work without them confronting with a problem to begin with then that’s a problem.

they batch cook


Dinosaurs are fine

They don’t hunt squirrels and even if they did they’d suck at it because they can’t climb trees (no offense)

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…am I the only one unsatisfied of the game because there is no end flavor?