[VFM] Elf Gold Rush - Game Over. Humans Win!


youā€™re wildly mischaracterizing what i did, claiming that i somehow have a deadset lockscum read, even though iā€™ve repeated multiple times that I do not
hence why im telling you that you have not read a single one of my posts with the level of english i know you are capable of

You said several times to kill them in that order and we win.

Win means exact scumteam

as youā€™ve mentioned, what kind of person has three lockscum reads 42 minutes into the game

think on that a little more with just a tiny bit more appreciation that other people may have common sense

A liar

On second thought cloned doesnā€™t look that bad

/unvote @Arete @Nightingale

1 Like

hi windward
can i ask you a favor

i think you kinda understood what I meant earlier on when I said I was in RVS mode

can you explain that to January while I go cool off

I feel like a chunk of posts went missing when I loaded the page because it went from the Aelin/January conversation straight into January scumreading Cloned for enjoying gyros so Iā€™m a bit confused

The longer youā€™ll be, the more scumreads Iā€™ll pull out of you. Hurry up

Its not because of the gyros. Itā€™s because of the vote on me.

Also, Iā€™ve scumread him for a while, its not an instant jump.

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted By Votes
clonedcheese min, January 2/8
January Clownzu, clonedcheese 2/8
Leafia EliThePsycho 1/8
thepigeonnyc Leafia 1/8
Vulgard City 1/8
Zone_Q11 Aelin 1/8
Clownzu Zone_Q11 1/8
Sleep Vulgard 1/8
Not Voting Marluxion, Silviu200530, Nuclear_Rehab, thepigeonnyc, WindwardAway 5

Iā€™ve explained why already.

Your scumreads 42 minutes in? No town with an iq above 72 would make that

collection of every single post that January has on anything relating to me, before gyros:

I donā€™t have to post about it.

Iā€™m saying I have scumread you. Not that Iā€™ve publicly said that

explain why we shouldnā€™t assume itā€™s a jump then, if you havenā€™t expressed a single opinion against me in your 222 posts of unreadable spam

Give me a minute.


By saying he was in an RVS mindset Cloned meant he was still meme voting (he left his vote on Vulgard) and was going all-in by pushing his early and light reads.

I didnā€™t like how it looked, and I still donā€™t particularly like how it looked, because even if it wasnā€™t serious the disparity between his confidence in his pushes on three people and his statement that he was probably wrong did not match up. Additionally, he still had his vote on Vulgard which did not match up with his scumteam theory. As a villager the problem with this mindset is that he set himself up to confbias on those three scumreads, even if he wasnā€™t actually that confident on them, and because Iā€™ve seen him tunnel really early in the game I thought this was a really stupid thing to do if he isnā€™t a wolf. But then again, itā€™s a really stupid thing to do if he isnā€™t a wolf, and it doesnā€™t mean he wonā€™t do it anyway. :man_shrugging:

On the other hand, I donā€™t think his reasoning against January was bad at all when countering the sudden push. I know it wasnā€™t just that January was scumreading him for eating gyros, but I donā€™t think anything in Januaryā€™s push seemed like a solid reason, and itā€™s ironic I say this because I know January also thought the three-player scumteam looked shitty. Itā€™s not like January didnā€™t already suspect cloned, based on earlier posts, but the timing and the reasons he gave for voting cloned most recently did not look so great. Moreso, clonedā€™s response to being pushed actually does look villagery here. So I donā€™t know what to think of January but cloned looks a bit better now fmpov.