[VFM] Elf Gold Rush - Game Over. Humans Win!

Oh god, I guess I will lurk in the shadows.


I still think minā€™s Leafia read was questionable source-wise, and Iā€™m starting to think Marl mightā€™ve attacked me for it because min is his partner, but Iā€™m not going to give preflips too much thought - especially not at this stage of the game.

Marlā€™s explanation of his push on me wasnā€™t bad, and it seemed villagery to me at first glance, but Iā€™m starting to reconsider that. Him pushing one of the strongest players in this game (I really hate saying this, by the way, but Marl seems to think that, if his posts are any indication) as one of his first moves on day 1 isnā€™t something he doesnā€™t do as a wolf (see RWBY FM, where he did this to Chloe). Him claiming that heā€™s doing it to keep me on my toes and make sure I donā€™t deepwolf is honestly a pretty villagery POV, but it could be used maliciously to make sure Iā€™m not listened to (wolves like to do that to me).

And thereā€™s still the fact his initial reasoning, even after his explanation, is questionable.

Iā€™ve already mentioned this, but this is where he once again makes an unfair comparison. He compares me asking players a question early in the game to openwolfing.

The idea that asking a question to fit in is like openwolfing as a joke (because it achieves the same goal - fitting in) is very context-dependent, and in this case, the context doesnā€™t support his claim. The context is that I started the conversation and that Iā€™m largely responsible for the lack of RVS in this game. Claiming that I tried to fit in by asking a softball question is simply bogus.

Minā€™s reasoning was significantly different from mine (and wolfy, fmpov, as Iā€™ve already explained), and my read wasnā€™t even a townread. It was phrased more like a question to the thread, because it was.

I think this is where his take becomes confirmation bias, because this section implies that me not pushing an OMGUSing player must mean Iā€™m scared of them, and thatā€™s a leap.

The problem with this part is that the supposed inconsistencies he pointed out donā€™t actually exist, so this feels more like heā€™s pushing me because he can, rather than because he genuinely thinks Iā€™m a wolf.

Iā€™ve just realized that I have no idea where he pulled that from. The post heā€™s referring to was an implied question to the thread, not an actual townread. And it wasnā€™t even directed at Leafia herself, so the ā€œpocketā€ part is also questionable.

What I did more recently is more akin to ā€œdrawing heat off of Leafia,ā€ since I told people that her being accused of TMI was normal regardless of alignment and that the same thing goes for her preflips. But the part heā€™s referring toā€¦ wasnā€™t that, and again, I have no idea why he thinks it was.

Basically, Marl is filtering all my early actions in this game through the lens of me being a wolf. The things heā€™s listing either arenā€™t what he says they are or they arenā€™t functional reasoning, and you donā€™t even have to be Vulgard to see that.

And yes, I do recognize that town!Marl can get tunneled, but the way heā€™s treating my slot still feels like heā€™s not approaching it from a neutral standpoint. More like a pre-biased standpoint. ā€œI will scumread Vulgard today.ā€

/vote Marluxion @Arete @Nightingale

TL;DR I think Marlā€™s suspicion / push on me is conclusion before analysis rather than playing by discovery, because the reasoning heā€™s applying doesnā€™t work in-context and heā€™s making connections between what I say that donā€™t make sense.

omgus? yikes, cancelled.

Itā€™s not omgus. You pushed me and I think youā€™re V regardless. Cloned voted me, and while that was a meme vote, I didnā€™t think it was wolfy.

Marlā€™s treatment of my slot, on the other hand, is wolfy.

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I might agree with the conclusion-before-analysis part a little later on in his posts, but I did think his early point against you made sense tbh.

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I do agree with what Vulgard says here, but I need to analyze this confrontation more closely. And I do agree that him pressing against Vulgard since the beginning was odd as Iā€™ve said earlier.

me right now


anyways, back to reading

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Okay, this site is becoming dumb. Iā€™m trying to click on Vulgardā€™s quotes so it directs me where theyā€™ve said that and that part works at least, but it doesnā€™t let me click on Marlā€™s quotes aaaaaaaaaaa

Direct me where that above arrow in the quote leads me to, pleaseeee

Those arrows are also broken for me, as well as for probably most people, so youā€™re gonna have to do a bit of digging for yourself.


does not exist
donā€™t let anyonce convince you otherwise

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Insert ugly crying

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted By Votes
clonedcheese min, January 2/8
January Clownzu, clonedcheese 2/8
Vulgard Marluxion, City 2/8
Leafia EliThePsycho 1/8
thepigeonnyc Leafia 1/8
Zone_Q11 Aelin 1/8
Marluxion Vulgard 1/8
Not Voting Silviu200530, Nuclear_Rehab, thepigeonnyc, WindwardAway, Zone_Q11 5

Please actually read what Iā€™ve been saying. I donā€™t townread either of them and my vote is even on pigeon. I just doubt that theyā€™re both scum. Although it is possible.

Hereā€™s my thoughts as I get caught up.

Zone is looking slightly townish to me right now, so Iā€™m giving him a !v lean. As for Clown, his actions may only be due to him being new, so Iā€™m not ready to scumread him just yet.

I donā€™t get why Cloned has already locktown Marl when Marl has barely spoken. He should explain that read.

I can sort of understand why Marl would be confident in a !vWind world, but some explaination of that read canā€™t hurt.

I donā€™t like how Cloned is acting one bit either. He seems very opportunistic and I think he could be just seeing who he could logically push here. Heā€™s dropped a lot in my reads list. /vote Cloned @Arete

Never mind on Marl. He explained his read on Wind.

An explaination will definitely be needed about this because Iā€™m not seeing it. Never mind. He explained it.

Iā€™m starting to see what Marl is getting at about Vulgard although Iā€™m not convinced heā€™s right about Vulgard yet.

The argument between Cloned and January is pretty interesting I might add. Cloned is starting to look a bit better from it. /unvote Not quite sure what to think of January, but he seems a bit opportunistic here.

More opportunistic by the second. /vote January @Arete The thing I hate the most is how heā€™s not even trying to explain how heā€™s scumreading Cloned here.

Iā€™m getting more and more convinced that January is a wolf the more I read his posts. No, lockscum doesnā€™t mean that you canā€™t re eval them later. Just as locktown doesnā€™t mean that you canā€™t re eval them later.

Heā€™s literally admitted to being Atlasā€™s alt.

You do realize that people can change their mind, right?

Youā€™ll need to sell me on this because I donā€™t see any reason town would act like heā€™s acting.

Itā€™s obviously that he changed his mind on the lockscum aspect.

Iā€™m coming to understand how Marl and Wind are townreading January here even if I donā€™t agree with them.

As for my reads on Marl and Wind, Iā€™m at least somewhat confident that theyā€™re both villagers here.

This is something to think about. /unvote for now.

Already Clownzu is sounding smarter than some of the veteran players Iā€™ve seen. Calling someone TWTBAW is a great way to misclear a wolf. Look at my first game on this site for an exam ppl let which was Insurgency.

I hate how Nuclear is speculating on who the PRs are since I canā€™t see how town would even care who the PRs are for now. /vote Nuclear

This is the first time Iā€™ve done one as town, but I fake them all the time as scum, and Iā€™ll admit, if I was scum this game, I could see myself faking that one too. Which is why I wonā€™t be surprised if I seem scummy for it.

My first ever game with you was with me as a villager. That was the only one before this one.

Getting a feeling that Marl/Vulgard is a v/v battle since Iā€™m currently v reading both of them, although both have brought up what I think are valid concerns about the other.

For the ease of hosting, I would prefer if people would not change their vote multiple times in one post


I use the search feature to find votes and unvotes without pings, and if there are multiple votes in a post the search feature only shows the first one in the preview text


Sorry about that. It wonā€™t happen again.

Successfully drove while half asleep

Its 50 degrees here but thankfully poolā€™s heated