[VFM] Gay Mafia 3: The Game: The Movie [-666/8] ANITA BRYANT WINS

Trochildae Nightingale

It is 5 for majority.

@Nightingale @Marluxion What exactly did you like so much about this post?

I think it’s largely NAI. Could explain more, wanna eat lunch first.

Nightingale/Marl both felt pretty villagery, moreso Nightingale but I’m happy with both of them right now.

Hullo Enigmatic UwU

since i have no idea who’s alt you are and i feel weird calling you UwU i’m giving you a new nickname
you are now Enigma
not to be confused with the dota hero of the same name


I slept past sod my bad

hardclaiming ic btw

Mod Note: You are allowed to reveal ur alt identity. Doesnt mean you have to answer questions regarding said identity

marl = town

Readz so far

Mod Note: Oops

it feels very similar to my posting style, just direct stream of consciousness into text. plus the way she accidentally posted it midway through her thoughts felt towny

that bit is probably NAI but i townread it anyway

Hullo min

hi marl hru?

good, glad to be able to play da gam

Your priority of nicknaming me before answering me is noted.

I’ll give Nightingale a bit of time to answer the question before I touch on this post, remind me at the crack of the next hour to do that if she doesn’t show by then.

CCing IC, btw.

You cc me as if I’m not genuinely serious


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that is a weird thing to take note of

I know only like one person who says “___ is noted” and I’m trying to remember who

why is everyone town so far

Your questioning of my system of notes if also noted.

Jokes aside, you immediately responding with fluff prior to an actual answer of my question is… notable. What it means for your alignment will be decided later. UwU