[VFM] Gay Mafia 3: The Game: The Movie [-666/8] ANITA BRYANT WINS

it isn’t fluff
i’m actually going to call you enigma kek

unless you have a better nickname suggestion

I didn’t make an account called UwU to be called Enigma.

@min Why did you decide to fakeclaim IC in your first post?

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I didn’t fakeclaim ic, I’m trueclaiming.

Im pulling an absolute brainer move and nobody especially the mafia won’t realize

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Jokes aside, I’m trueclaiming before someone can wagon me and deathtunnel me over the smallest thing

What if I wagon you and deathtunnel you over this? UwU


But sure, I’ll pretend you’re clear for now. :wink:

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You know what’s a struggle

school is a thing that exists for almost everyone but me

what have I signed up for?

i’ve got to go to class for the next two hours
i have some Thoughts about UwU that aren’t simply i want to punt them into the sun

why are marl and nightingale so interested in me?

because i’m confident i’ll be able to read you correctly

also interested is a very strong word

I said I’d wait for Nightingale to respond before touching more on this, but it’s been long enough and min has reminded me that school is indeed a thing that exists, so it’s plausible she won’t be back for a while.

My main problem with the Trochilidae post in question is that it doesn’t actually contain anything AI. I asked the question to see if the answers would fit in the world where the reader acknowledged that being the case.

Your response is ultimately fine in that regard, since you said you liked the style of post and interpreted it as a stream of consciousness, while also liking it being posted early. None of this is really about the content of the post, which is a good thing, you like how it was written, not what was written.

I ultimately disagree with a lot of your points, but think they’re valid. Her post was, in my eyes, half game theory (NAI, easy for wolves to talk about naturally as it applies to them), self deprecation (for her specifically I find this NAI, I don’t think Trochi is very happy with her level of play as either alignment) and think the “posting early” is, at best, NAI.

Trochi swings to solving in a way that doesn’t seem awkward
It’s villagery but far from unfakeable

Particularly, at this moment, I probably wouldn’t shield Trochi if there was a wagon there

I was about to slap myself for posting that as you came back, but timing seems to have blessed me today.

It swings into game theory more than solving, imo. “Find two lock villagers” is essentially an unspoken rule for villagers here, because the game is solved if you have two “lock” villagers who are also VT.

because I’m unconfident I’ll be able to read you correctly