[VFM] Gay Mafia 3: The Game: The Movie [-666/8] ANITA BRYANT WINS

That’s fair enough
I’ll go re-read the stuff I guess

It’s still a mode switch from meme to non-meme that doesn’t feel forced

The entire discussion about the IC felt extremely stilted and I don’t know what to think about it


Ehhh, still not seeing eye to eye with you here. Don’t really feel meme vibes on the post either.

“I’m bad, I don’t want to be bad” > “Here’s what I’m gonna do to be not bad”

I’ll drop it for now, though. Think I’ve heard enough for now, and I think your opening was villagery enough that if this continues I might talk myself out of that read just based off of how differently our thought process looks to be here.


I mean that Trochi made memes before and this is their transition into content posting

It’s still not a thing that I’m comfortable making reads on so I’ll probably just leave it at “wait for them to provide content and see how they do it”

I forgot what I thought was stilted about it

Ooooh, okay. I was focusing specifically on the post in question, wasn’t thinking about the surroundings.

I think the transition leading to the post is fine, although I don’t fully know if I feel the same about the transition from the post > trying to be productive.

@an_gorta_pratai Do you have any thoughts other than “what did I signup for”?

I want to know why I was mentioned in the first few posts from nightingale

I only bothered to make that kind of read because I had a recent wolf game where I absolutely flailed in my transition from meme to memen’t

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Because I’ve have ML’d you three times in a row I have played with you that I remember

the duality of humanity

I sleep, i’ll be back in 12hish

then try harder because I won’t be fully available for a while, my mind is on other things, but I do get it the thought . My only advice I can give is to try harder



Yes, I will try harder
or at least, try to find you as villager harder
Admittedly, I didn’t in the last of the three because I was a wolf, but

Alright I’m tired cuz I haven’t slept like any since I’ve stayed up all night

I’ll spend some effort let me take a nap first tho

It’s 4PM wtf why are people going to sleep lol

I’m leaning towards agreeing with Night on “gorta is off limits for today” after reading their posts today fwiw

I sleep during the day and am awake at night

really awful sleep habit that I sadly got back into

Thread is boring and I have thoughts I want to spitball and discuss:

  • Marluxion is probably my top townread right now; I thought their opener was ~good but thought their response to my question regarding Trochi was very good: it both demonstrated a similar train of thought to myself and included their own subjective takes on the post in a natural way.
  • Nightingale is also up there, their opener was the best out of anyone who’s posted, and while they didn’t really answer my question on Trochi correctly, they did so in a way that demonstrated a wider worldview in a good way, and if Trochi is a villager I’d probably lock Night as a villager as well for it.
  • Derps/Gorta are both meeting the “classic Derps/Gorta” quota.

@Trochilidae Can you ping me when you elaborate on your thoughts on me? I have some opinions on you, but you’ll be here soon enough that I’m deciding to wait on sharing until you share yours on me! :stuck_out_tongue: