[VFM] Gay Mafia 3: The Game: The Movie [-666/8] ANITA BRYANT WINS

I thought she was trying too hard to come off as “I want to find villagers!”, but when she actually tried probing people she didn’t really… have the same enthusiasm?

One sec

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I thought the attitude in the first post vs her attitude regarding the following two posts didn’t add up, if that makes sense.

At a glance the questions are fine (they are) but I don’t actually see her trying to do anything with any of the questions she asked; which is why I was kind of eager to see what she’d bring to the table when she said she wanted to talk to me… but, yeah, that isn’t happening now.

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I see, well that’s something im glad you pointed out because I’m really bad at getting tiny details like that tbh

I guess we’ll have to see what ybw has to offer although reading them might be a little confusing

in the few games I’ve played w them they’ve been about lhf town so it’s gonna be really tricky actually

I think in few words: “She doesn’t show that she cares about the questions she asked”

It’s fully possible this is just a “she didn’t have the time to do so” which is why I didn’t say anything until now, I was hoping that whatever she asked me and how she did it would make it clear whether or not she cared or not


Horse is dead, now they are YBW

I wish i could follow the rules troch set out for themselves but guess whats not happening

my school doesnt start until tomorrow :sunglasses:


so far uwu looks nice but they get minus points fow nowt tawking whike this the entire twime

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I have too much sewf wespect UwU

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I like min

also screw discourse it keep asking me if I want to abandon my draft how do you make it stop

why though

overmotivated framer vote omnibusdriver flavor redirector

much balanced (night) - Each night, target up to four players. All investigave roles targeting these players will get incorrect results.
"I wanted more chaos" (night) - Each night, target any number of players. all votes on any players you target will be redirected to other players you target, at your choosing. You can make each choice on a player-by-player basis.
disguise stuff (night) - Each night, target an anime character and a player. All players with that role name will be redirected to the target player.


do you want to abandon your draft?

I usually just copy my message, refresh, and paste it – discourse is dumb when you try to post messages in one tab and browse on another :upside_down_face:

If there was a wagon on Trochi, I wouldn’t be confident enough in this read at the moment to try to dismantle it.

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Marl was less villagery than Trochi at the time imo
I didn’t have a concrete read on them either way at that point, but since I didn’t have a read on them I didn’t say that both of the people in thread were villagers at that particular point in time

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Min is solving a lot more and a lot openly than they did in Countries
In Countries I thought they were one of the players that had gut takes that they threw out and solved surface level but individually
It appears that impression was largely inaccurate

UwU is probably just a villager here

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Now when people talk about the abysmal town winrate-

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If uwu is scum and you got pocketed lmao gz

Pretty solid answers to my wall, thanks

I was gonna iso tro but I’m just gonna wait until ybw posts enough and then I’ll go from there

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UwU Min

everyone else probably - null

does anyone who was in joatjoatjoat have a super clear meta-read on them
since they just came out of a long hiatus iirc

i just wont post ez game

So far my main townlean is uwu since they do seem to be solving, butttt once they post more this will probably change. otherwise everyone else seems decently nullll

for reference, 1) UwU and Min are in the “likely villager” tier but still not lock and 2) this is ignoring any likely mech clear on Min

I’m probably giving ybw space for now
did I mention they’re in the list of people who I’ve basically ML’d recently

I forgot min claimed already

claim train meta on fol???:flushed: