[VFM] Gay Mafia 3: The Game: The Movie [-666/8] ANITA BRYANT WINS

I’m just preventing the inevitable that is somehow I will be wagoned as the ic


I probably don’t need to repeat this but

1-shot vig do not claim until you have used your shot, or 10 minutes until the EoD before you plan to use your shot


I just had a pretty cool idea but I don’t think I’ll be awake for EoD which is a conditional for said idea and now I’m sad

Unrelated to said idea: /vote Youbutworse @GGhana @Whysper

Is it a tag to vote game

No clue tbh, I just think it’s a good habit since I’ve missed votes as a host at least once

maybe a lot more than once

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Do you mind if I ask just one question to you about your identity, you don’t have to answer it or anything


YoubutWorse (2) Nightingale, UwU

Not voting: Min, Marluxion, YoubutWorse, Eli, Derps, Gorta

It is 5 for majority.

Did u play in the jojo game?


I see



Anyway, why’d you only ISO a few people? Am I not good enough for you? :sob:

No, I was just doing the top posters

I can give u an iso ree

I somehow did not connect those dots

i just noticed that night skipped 3 while isoing them

Don’t know exactly what this is referring to but I don’t like the take with the context theyve provided (aka I think seeing everyone as villagers is more wolfy than v so I don’t like nightingales take on it. As my predecessor said however I don’t believe they are w/w.)

true this

So far, null on Nightingale.
Im so glad to be playing a small game again, big games hurt my brain too much work

(Night is 3)

Why night more than marl?

Why is a nickname noteworthy?

What does notable mean? Does it shift towards an alignment? Tell me

Questioning me about my claim, calling it fake right off the bat. I know you want to protect me, but it’s not needed

I don’t really think differing opinions are really scumread worthy

You thought night was more villager initially. What changed to make night more villagery? Why am I not on here? I remember posting before you made this post. Was I just null?


Your explanation on tro that we both kinda talked about was kinda nice and I enjoyed it and liked your reasoning

conclusion: slight townlean, some are your posts stick out to me though but I don’t think it’s in a really ai way

Ohhhh I thought it was like a ranking. Nvm that makes more sense lol

Night had a better entrance to thread at that point, I thought the way she presented herself and her reads was very villagery. I think specifically their treatment of Gorta was villagery (the mindset behind her posts involving him all add up very coherently) and imo #59 is also a thought I think is much harder for a wolf to fake that soon into the game

On Marl’s side I thought their entrance was fine, but not nearly as good as the above

The nickname itself wasn’t noteworthy, it was just the priorities of “meme” > “answer question”

Between that post and this one I decided I was being a bit too nitpicky, and that “I feel weird calling you UwU” ultimately was ~fine, especially with how much their answer to my question just melded with my thoughts

(At first I thought it was the tiniest bit more likely for a wolf to do, though)

I explained what changed in the post :eyes: (Marl moving up)
but they’re both probably just villagers

Also you’re not on the list because I’m not going to bother reading an IC claim until I decide to reveal for real

also thank you now I feel noticed

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I fear this is going to be one of those games where the high posters are all solved easily and the PoE is comprised entirely of lowposters and it scares me