[VFM] Gay Mafia 3: The Game: The Movie [-666/8] ANITA BRYANT WINS

yeah i can do that
i get out of class in about 30 min so if you’re still here by then i’d like to real-time with you about my thoughts

Yeah, I’ll try to be around then, you can ping me before you explain if you want it to be real-time~

it might be a bit longer than i thought
i just got some very distressing news i’m gonna have to deal with this ok

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i made a solvey post and then realized that you’re gonna scumread me for not memeing in my first post.
too bad!

pregame post
entirely NAI?


the meme IC claim discussion is completely pointless and anybody who pushes it is lockwolf
listen to me, the IC

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meme claim

why are people calling it a meme

I’m serious, like more serious than I usually am these games.

Eli has a pretty decent starting post it’s not as solvy as you think, you have two quotes in it

you are not wrong

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solvey compared to my other first posts

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Tro is lock not intensify

Meaning her solving early doesn’t look forced but that’s nai to literally everyone but intensify


I’m choosing to ignore this overwhelming self-awareness for now, given the writer, but… :grimacing:

It’s pretty clearly not a pregame post if you… actually read it? Especially the part where they posted it in an incomplete fashion? :thinking:


you imply that they had recieved their classcard

confused noises

everything is NAI until they recieve their classcard

“Yeah guys I’m gonna be different next game”

*isnt different *

but guessing if they had recieved it probably angleshooting so i won’t

I’m saying it was pretty obviously written after they received their card…

there is probably exactly at least one scum in hyperposters

let’s figure out which one it is

i’m talking about the 3rd post
that post they’re quoting was made pre-game

The third post is the first post with additions on it, the second post implies they sent it too soon – I guess the non-bolded could have been pre-game? I don’t think it was, tbh, but the bolded 100% wasn’t and iirc most of my comments were about that anyway~

it was
literally in the signup thread