[VFM] JoaT^2 - (6/15) - šŸ˜¹ Pirates (Town) Win!

I donā€™t think me losing WiM applies Iā€™ve just gotten more busy as the game progresses

I think Iā€™ve still been making enough content and I donā€™t think my post at SOD qualifies as

Losing WiM

Since I didnā€™t really find anyone else I really wanted to lynch today Iā€™d be ok with gorta bc that will help me sort a couple other people, so Iā€™m going to vote him for now and try to get on before EOD

/vote gorta

strange how people arenā€™t putting me in the losing wim scum pool when im the loewst poster alive tho

i take it though

Back at my work station, lovely quotes.

EU gang :man_shrugging:

I should note that gorta started the game by denying townclears / shading on 4 people, two of them are nigh-confirmed villagers right now.

Note how he goes from ā€œMole or Ash today, donā€™t give control of the yeet to scumā€ and then pivots to ā€œAsh is lockwolf, Mole is town, go Ash.ā€ Also note that Mole was a wolf.

This doesnā€™t look like something gorta actually cared about in the end.

He spent most of his time in thread saving Mole from the yeet.

Trying really hard. Almost got himself yeeted in the process, actually.


Very self-aware. Not sure what it means.

Conflict with Leafia starts.

ā€¦Is he ā€œscumreadingā€ me because I pushed his partner?

Note that Iā€™m ~50 posts in and gorta still hasnā€™t evaluated a single slot other than Mole, except for a few random takes on others. Also, note that he called Leafia town based on how she handled the wagon day 1, but right now heā€™s suspicious of her because her read on him is terrible?

Also, the final post I quoted above is really bad considering Moleā€™s flip. It creates groundwork for a Leafia yeet by associating Mole with Leafia.

This guy has 0 confidence about any of his reads, except for Mole, who he hard defends all the way. He also expressed a lack of confidence in his last wolfgame. Virtually all his reads are hedges, even coming into day 2, after a villager yeet.

Note that the only thing he finds off about Mole is the fact he posted about JOAT cover, which isā€¦ a really bad reason. Itā€™s on the level of Moleā€™s ā€œscumreadā€ on Wiisp while he was alive.


His only defense is self-meta and ā€œIā€™m not a wolf.ā€ I wonder if he could towncase himself?

This is true. That said, I think his day 1 headspace was more like ā€œfuck, we donā€™t want one of our own to be yeeted day 1.ā€ I donā€™t think gorta is the type of player to commit to a bus day 1 when there are V alternatives within the wagons.

Wait a secondā€¦ why is gorta immediately assuming that Mole was hardbussed? Why is this the basis of Gortaā€™s accusation? ā€œMole was surely hardbussed, because wolves hardbus, so Leafia is scum.ā€

If that were the case, thenā€¦ why not hardbus him day 1? Leafia wasted her vote voting Io instead. But youā€™re not talking about that. Youā€™re not really evaluating her, youā€™re just pushing her because sheā€™s pushing you, and because ā€œwolves hardbus.ā€

  1. This looks like a double pocket aimed at me and (weirdly enough) sulit.
  2. Your basis for accusing Leafia is still OMGUS and ā€œwolves hardbus.ā€ That read is comparable to Moleā€™s read on Wisp. ā€œWolves selfmeta.ā€

His instinct was not to clear me for burying a wolf almost singlehandedly. I started the Mole wagon, was on it day 1 as well, I cased Mole, I countered all of his posts. Iā€™m the one responsible for Mole getting yeeted day 2, more than anyone else. And Iā€™m not tooting my own horn here, Iā€™m trying to look at it objectively. Gortaā€™s instinct is to call my posts ā€œslightly better,ā€ completely ignoring my contribution to the Mole yeet. Why not call me a busser? Because I havenā€™t accused you yet, maybe thatā€™s why?

Why do you refuse to give anyone towncred? Maybe you should look into Mole/Leafia interactions? Your analysis of Leafia has been extremely shallow so far.

Keeping your options open, I see.

By the way, this votecount looks very good for Io.

But she has been evaluating others, too. Why are you ignoring that?

What about literally everyone else on the Mole wagon? Most of the game has voted him at some point. Are they bussers too?

ā€¦The post youā€™re referring to wasnā€™t ā€œDerps is a firm townread.ā€ Itā€™s ā€œI think Derps is town but I donā€™t trust his judgment.ā€

So is Leafia scum or not? Youā€™ve flip-flopped on her a ton.

Then why are you not pushing anyone? Youā€™re just arguing with Leafia while struggling to call her scum more than I would expect. You did call her scum initially, but now you think she might be town again, then you hope sheā€™s scumā€¦ I donā€™t get it.

You also seem to suspect Flameo, but spend little time on them in comparison to Leafia.

And you think sheā€™s a wolf because sheā€™s a busser who ā€œprobably bussed Mole.ā€ Thatā€™s not much better, when you strip it of all nuance.

The posts you quoted are all a good look for Leafia because they look like sheā€™s absolutely against him. How are you interpreting them as ā€œmust be a busā€ instead of ā€œmaybe sheā€™s town who found a wolf trying to pocket her?ā€ Itā€™s like calling Leafia a busser is the only argument you can bring up to get her yeeted. Which isnā€™t very creative of you. You come across as someone whoā€™s really struggling against her.

You were literally townreading Sulit earlier. What? You called me and Sulit town in one post. What changed? Scum allegedly donā€™t defend their partners, but she called Mole town at some point. Wouldnā€™t that make her town? Did you post that just because you want to have a similar consensus to mine, because Iā€™m town?

You called her town earlier. What changed.

Gortaā€™s progression is pretty wack at times. He justifies his defense of Mole by ā€œwolves bus their partners, I was wrong on Mole, and because I defended him, Iā€™m not a wolfā€ and that apparently leads him into a scumread on Leafia (which he really struggles with and flip-flops on), because ā€œwolves bus their partners.ā€ Nevermind the other voters on Mole, who heā€™s not even evaluating, heā€™s just tunneled on Leafia for the most part and occasionally throwing shade on Flameo.

I think gorta might really be a wolf, given everything heā€™s posted. The stuff he posted after feeling the pressure wasnā€™t even all that good when you think about it.

1 Like

Donā€™t really like how Wazzaā€™s basically disappeared today

Huh he was here earlier

Did not notice

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
an_gorta_pratai Intensify, Flameo, sulit 3/6
Flameo SirDerpsAlot 1/6
Leafia Wazza, an_gorta_pratai 2/6
sulit CallMeIo, Leafia, Vulgard 3/6

Ping me if I missed any votes

Also itā€™s almost 6 AM so Iā€™m going to sleep now (and thus wonā€™t be doing VCs)

Like, I donā€™t understand what Gortaā€™s doing if heā€™s a villager. It was a similar deal with Mole. If Gortaā€™s a villager whoā€™s entirely convinced that Mole was bussed for some reason, he should be evaluating all of the Mole voters, not just Leafia/Flameo. But heā€™s not doing that. Right now, it looks more like heā€™s pushing the narrative of ā€œMole was bussedā€ because in that world, heā€™s probably town, and he needs to save his own skin.

The people heā€™s pushing are also the easiest slots to push among the voters on Mole. And even with Leafia, who he suspects the most by far, heā€™s having trouble interacting with her and pushing her. His only evaluation of Leafia boils down to ā€œLAMIST, sheā€™s a declared hardbusser, and also OMGUS.ā€ I know he didnā€™t say that, but thatā€™s how I see it based on his posts about Leafia.

I just donā€™t think he really believes heā€™s solving the game like this if heā€™s a villager. ā€œWe need to yeet a wolf.ā€ If wolves bussed, then the wolf might be deep. Evaluate people other than Leafia/Flameo. There are more voters on the Mole wagon. There have been even more voters who swapped their votes. Come on now. You can do better than this.

Right now, all I see is you fighting to yeet people who might gain traction over you, instead of objectively evaluating the game and looking at the things that make Leafia town rather than mafia. You gotta see the whole picture. Also, I donā€™t know why youā€™re so convinced Mole was hardbussed. I justā€¦ donā€™t understand where these thoughts are coming from. Just because you allegedly hardbus your wolf partners doesnā€™t mean weā€™re going to believe youā€™re town because you harddefended Mole, and it doesnā€™t mean weā€™re going to vote Leafia or Flameo just because they voted Mole. Not everyone is a hardbusser.

Also, going by your logicā€¦ if Leafia is a hardbusser who voted Mole, and thatā€™s a part of what makes her mafia in your eyes, why would she openly admit to being a hardbusser? Isnā€™t that openwolfing, from your point of view? Why are you not bringing that up? How did that thought not occur to you at any point?

I justā€¦ donā€™t really think your pushes are real, despite the emotion you are putting into them. It feels less like ā€œIā€™m looking for wolves and the gamesolveā€ and more like ā€œIā€™m attacking people who I might have a chance of getting yeeted over myself.ā€

People who have never voted

Mole are

Kat (I think?)


I should also note that pushing the ā€œMole was hardbussedā€ narrative conveniently creates a ton of suspects who are not gorta. I donā€™t think thatā€™s a coincidence.

He hasnā€™t considered a world where wolves are doing fuck all, or a world where wolves defended Mole. Not even once. Heā€™s certain Mole was hardbussed.

And I find that really suspicious.

Iā€™ll wait for more of my townreads to enter the thread, but right now, I feel like this is the way.

And for the record, I donā€™t like Wazza disappearing, either.

Can you weigh in with more advanced thoughts about the gamestate, Moleā€™s wagon, whoā€™s where on your readlist, etc.?

I agree with you there.

Vulgard, youā€™re my new favorite person this game. You have practically mindmelded with me regarding Gorta and partly due to me not liking how we have the top wagons tied and partly due to me being fine with either Gorta or Sulit being lynched as well as me agreeing that we need to flip Gorta to give us more info, Iā€™m doing thisā€¦ /vote Gorta @Arete

Not sure what to think about sulit mostly just floating and randomly pointing out how Wazza disappeared. Sure, itā€™s a thing, but Iā€™d rather see her evaluate more important players, especially since we yeeted a wolf yesterday. Surely that changes her reads, especially since she was townreading Mole at some point.

Sheā€™s been tunneled on Wazza to varied extents throughout the game. Sulit, if you really think heā€™s a wolf, please case him or do something other than this commentary. Itā€™s making me wolfread you because youā€™re not taking a stance re: Gorta / Leafia and talking about your own thing instead, which doesnā€™t seem all that important. You donā€™t sound like you believe itā€™s important, either.

Yeah I can look at D2 as well

I did that yesterday


I did that Saturday

We have 5 hours until EoD, and youā€™re probably not getting yeeted today, so you donā€™t really have much pressure. Use that to evaluate other slots, since you donā€™t really have to defend yourself yet.