[VFM] JoaT^2 - (6/15) - šŸ˜¹ Pirates (Town) Win!

gonna jot down my thoughts on some slots as i look down the playerlist


ngl derps is a bitch to read, heā€™s pretty aware of his scummeta and is moderately good at replicating his townmeta

i kind of think their posts are >rand V at the moment

this post scares me

because derps undoubtedly enjoys playing scum more than town

but that post is abnormal

it scares me because i feel like this is a post derps can write as an excuse to be more invested and blend in to his scum meta

heā€™s generally less invested as a villager and this post could be him actually wanting to change that, i donā€™t particularly remember derps ever making efforts of improving his towngame

imo donā€™t let derps live to LyLo (because heā€™s usually a wolf if hes alive at LyLo) but prob donā€™t yeet him yet


i very commonly scumread Wazza in every game we play together so at this point i just try to avoid reading him if i can

their ā€œim VT i hate this gameā€ post is >rand V

thats all i really have to say


i donā€™t really know conroys (thats centuries btw, i can call him that cause weā€™re cool like that :sunglasses:) scummeta

but iā€™ve consistently seen his posts as villagery

they donā€™t really feel like they have agenda in their posting

their thought process feels good and mostly transparent

i like conboi


locktown because of their name and the fact theyā€™re my hypoclaimed N0 check

(click this)

jokes aside i find myself agreeing with a lot of their posts

a couple things theyā€™ve said have pinged me though as being lightly LAMIST or what feels like someone forcing themselves to be agreeable

but i also just think this instance of it is more likely to come from a villager just because i think a wolf would be self aware enough to just not write it


their posts were most likely written by a villager

thatā€™s the easiest way to describe my read on him but i know he hates it so iā€™ll try to explain it as best as i can

when vulgard is a villager, his posts have a certain level of genuineness that he is really not good at replicating as a wolf

his level of fake solving as a wolf is good at face value, but when you look at it under a microscope theyā€™re much weaker posts than when heā€™s a villager

and his posts have not felt like his wolf posts

but generally when vulgard is a villager youā€™ll see one post and its like

ā€œthis post cannot ever come from wolf!Vulgardā€

i have not seen that post

but i donā€™t hate his posts

so heā€™s probably just town


1 post lol

@an_gorta_pratai exist please


when sulit is a wolf they donā€™t want to exist

when sulit is a villager they usually want to exist

sulit wants to exist

sulit is very likely to be town

if sulits WiM suddenly drops in the next day (Day 2) then be very cautious of them as they can somewhat feign wanting to exist as a wolf but struggle to keep up the facade for long

her WiM sometimes dies as a villager too but its usually much later in the game

taking a break for now

hand hurts and ive already typed too much

His first post here being reads is a good start to his look. I feel like a wolf would be unlikely to start off in this way. I wouldnā€™t mind an explanation of how using BS reasoning to claim that someone is openwolfing can possibly be a townie look for someone though. Thatā€™s the only part about this that I donā€™t like.

Another good looking post from him. His fourth post too. Starting to think he just might be a misinformed villager whoā€™s reading me wrong.

He doesnā€™t even say anything about how he feels about this post. Not that good of a look honestly.[quote=ā€œCenturies, post:371, topic:83078, full:trueā€]

If the argument is

Ash saying their reads donā€™t count because they donā€™t come from giga ISOs of each and every player which is what I understand

then I think itā€™s V ash

Another read which I can understand. Iā€™m beginning to see the possibility that Centuries is town here honestly.

Not too sure why this exists but I feel it could come from either T/Centuries or W!Centuries. Slight town feel to it though.

Probably his best look yet. I find it hard to believe that w!Centuries would be townreading me here given what had been going on at the time.

I rather like this post from Centuries now that Iā€™m ISOing him as it shows that heā€™s actively trying to figure stuff out. I can see why people are townreading him despite the earlier interaction between me and him now.

Not something I agree with but also I feel that w!Centuries would try explaining this more in an attempt to discredit me.

This post is a very good look for him to be honest.

I think itā€™s more of me being too bullheaded to admit that Iā€™m wrong about someone sometimes. Itā€™s a weakness of mine that I need to work on admittedly.

Another good look for him, as he doesnā€™t want to focus on just one or two slots. I doubt a wolf would say this.

I wonā€™t lie. Going into this, I was fully expecting that Iā€™d still be scumreading him at the end of the ISO but as much as I hate to admit it, after ISOing him, he has a lot of posts I doubt come from a wolf, so Centuries is likely town. I wouldnā€™t put him into a towncore just yet though.

I have reads other than Wazza Iā€™m just pushing him because Iā€™m p confident theyā€™re scum

Iā€™ve been ISOing a couple people but Iā€™m having trouble focusing on the game atm Iā€™m tired

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Your confidence was shattered earlier.

Respond to my posts.

wheres your reads

I just had to point this hypocrisy. :slight_smile: I wonder if I belonged into both groups for you now.

This was completely unrelated to what youā€™ve said about me thus farā€¦?

So you expect me to materialize something super complex exactly at that, the start of the gameā€¦? A read also does not have to be complex to be right. Iā€™ll need to re-case probably everyone, because I am getting really bogged down by this specifically.

I am asking, if there was a better candidate at that time, that I should have voted, was I properly scumhunting. Youā€™d prefer if I had reached the conclusion that everyone was town and I should just vote someone that hadnā€™t posted? I made that vote, because I thought that was the best vote I could make at that time.

I fail to see this train of thought?



You give me a conditional scum and you give him a conditional town.

If it would be, you wouldnā€™t have been intended in on it, but you just magically figuring out they are town LHF from (I think they hadnā€™t posted more than 5 posts) is quite astonishing and them saying they have all of the experience is funny.

Have you read all my posts though? As for the point, my brain works in a way that if someone aligns exactly with my reads, they are likely of the same alignment, so if I find myself agreeing with a lot of a playerā€™s reads, I typically think they are town, so it should have some weight. I can elaborate more on this if wanted, but honestly this feels kind of 101, so Iā€™ll leave it at this.

Now I am going to do my level best to refocus on some other players, while I let this digest, because I fear some bias might come into play for disliking to be scumread and I should be fair to you too and read all your posts concerning other playerā€™s as well aside from the ones I currently have mental picture of.

You should take a nap if youā€™re tired.

Not posting them.

Iā€™ve stated I agree with Vulgardā€™s reads and thatā€™s enough for me.

Last time I felt a little tired and took a nap I woke up almost 10 hours later.

AKA earlier

thatā€™s not enough for me

Then tough, I donā€™t care.

Iā€™ve stated youā€™re spite reading me. So I donā€™t really care about your push.

Iā€™m not fucking spite reading youā€¦

god do you really think Iā€™m petty enough just to scum read something just because they were scum in another game


I will keep scumreading you till you post anything resembling reads, so have fun

As opposed toā€¦ this game?

Hey Wazza, nice to meet you, what are your reads? Vanilla town can be a wonderful experience too. You just have to play into it, so please try and share them.

I donā€™t think this is true and youā€™ll be more suspected if youā€™d keep this up, so please provide reads.

Iā€™m leaning Derps town

mostly because he has some sort of thought process behind his reads and I like his progression on vully

Is Wazza a player that would fake a perspective slip? @sulit

But scum is vanilla here tooā€¦ if I understand the conventional vanilla meaning on this site?

Not sure, he likes to fake town slips a lot tho

wazza thought there was anticlaim in a 12p vanilla nightless game