[VFM] JoaT^2 - (6/15) - 😹 Pirates (Town) Win!

I am honestly going to be very relieved if Mole flips scum here, because otherwise I’m going to have to fight an uphill battle the next few days and that’s going to be significantly more annoying to play through.

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At least it’s too late for a CFD off of him.

We can win this game.

Just don’t be stupid.

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I think so too.

I didn’t self pres yesterday. I don’t vote town reads.

Aaah. I hate that EoD post…

Fucking wow

If this is town, I’ll laugh

I’m going to cry.

Not self preserving isn’t townie

I’ll just be really annoyed if he is!


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End of Day Votecount:

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Vulgard Moleland 1/7
Moleland Vulgard, Leafia, Wiisp, Elephas, Catlover, Flameo 6/7
Wazza Centuries 1/7
Flameo CallMeIo, SirDerpsAlot, an_gorta_pratai 3/7

flavor will be delayed because I didn’t finish writing it

but the flip is happening now


Moleland has been executed! He was…

Mafia Goon

You are a Mafia Goon. You share a 24/7 private chat with your fellow members of the Mafia. Each night, the Mafia must kill a player outside your faction.

Reach parity with the town.

Night 2 begins and will end at 2020-08-01T19:00:00Z. Night actions are due by 30 minutes before the end of the night.


Goodnight yall see ya real soon… maybe



Night 2 flavor

As the day drew to a close, the cat pirates realized that they still hadn’t managed to come to an agreement on who to eliminate. Everyone seemed to be raising reasonable points for why they were a genuine cat pirate, rather than a dog imposter. Still, they knew that trying to avoid making a decision wouldn’t solve anything. Delaying would accomplish nothing save ensuring that the dog pirates were able to overwhelm their numbers.

At last, one cat took the lead. Turning towards Moleland, they confronted him head-on. “You’re obviously not one of us,” he said. “For starters, your name is Moleland. Why would a cat be named Moleland? Moles aren’t even a type of cat!”

“That’s a completely irrational argument,” said Moleland, growling. “You have no reason to think my name is anything other than a normal cat name.”

The cat pirate pounced at him. “There’s the proof!” they said. “If you were really a cat, you would hiss, not growl.” The rest of the cat pirates meowed in agreement.

“It doesn’t matter,” said Moleland. He dug in his paws. “You can’t make me walk the plank.”

“Yes we can!” said another cat pirate, as she sprang on him from above. She dropped a crate on him, trapping him inside.

“What are you doing?” asked Moleland.

The cat pirate began shoving him towards the edge of the ship. “You’ve been boxed in,” she said.

As she shoved the box overboard, the crew broke out into a resounding cheer, and they began to sing sea shanties to celebrate. The dogs may have taken the life of their captain, but they would surely be defeated.


Actions are locked.


If you didn’t get feedback you slept peacefully

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As waves gently rocked the ship, the cat pirate found herself staring at the ceiling of her cabin. Try as she might, she couldn’t fall asleep, not after the excitement of the previous day. As she waited for morning to arrive, she lept out of the nest of blankets she’d made for herself and began to patrol the upper deck.

The moon was a thin crescent in the sky above her; a canvas of stars dotted the sky behind it. As she sat on the deck, staring at the sky, she remembered how katze had taught her to navigate by the stars. She had been but a kitten then, and many of the older cats had mocked the idea of teaching one as young as her how to navigate, but katze had listened to her when she’d asked to learn. She glanced down at the deck; even now, it hurt to remember.

As she looked at the deck, she noticed a pair of shadows at the edge of her vision. She looked around, taking a few steps backwards.

One dog pirate stepped out from behind the barrels of rum they’d been hiding behind. “Hello, Elephas,” they said.

Elephas turned and ran for her cabin, but the other dog blocked the door. “Why are you so scared?” he said. “You know, katze didn’t try to run, she stood her ground and fought. But then, I suppose she was an adult, not a kitten.”

Elephas bristled. “You have no right–”

The first dog jumped out at her. Charging at her, they pushed her to the edge of the deck, before shoving her over the edge into the water below. There was a splash, and then the ripples in the water began to fade, until eventually all trace of her was gone.

Elephas has died! She was:

Vanilla Townie

You are a Vanilla Townie. Your only weapons are your voice and your vote.

Defeat the Mafia.

Day 3 begins and will end in 48 hours, at 2020-08-03T19:00:00Z, or earlier if majority is reached. With 11 players alive, majority is 6.