[VFM] JoaT^2 - (6/15) - šŸ˜¹ Pirates (Town) Win!


some suspect things

Her first post says in her words ā€œlook at how towny I amā€ and attempts to paint me and derps in a bad light

She admits to being a busser here

Goes from saying it isnā€™t impossible for Derps to be a wolf -> Derps is a firm town read

Leafia vs me

and then Leafia attacks me most of yesterday (IRL)

there are other examples, but this post will be longer

Look at me I am so towny

I didnā€™t see this one before

Gorta is seeing LAMIST stuff where no LAMIST stuff exists. Not surprised honestly. I can understand where Vulgard is coming from and you donā€™t need to apologize for suspecting me Vul. With how I have been so far D3, I donā€™t really blame you and I probably shouldnā€™t have been so focused on Gortaā€™s slot. Although Gorta has also been super LAMIST as well.

Also, Derps and local, that kind of reasoning will lead wolves to victory. Itā€™s the whole reason town lost Insurgency. No one should ever be cleared as town for acting super scummy. Thatā€™s how wolves win.

As for the third wolf, I have no idea who it could be. The only ones Iā€™m confident it isnā€™t are me, Vulgard, Derps, and PK.

Honestly, if Gorta isnā€™t the yeet today, town deserves to lose.

Get rid of me if you want, but I am a damn towny and you have been throwing shade on me all day. I honestly do hope you arenā€™t town because I refuse to believe town ever plays this bad. Itā€™s like you have been spouting bs about my slot for all of d3 when itā€™s illogical to think that I would defend my buddy like that.

Maybe we hydraā€™d together twice, maybe itā€™s because we know how to read each other, or maybe itā€™s both

i just spent all of this morning trying to beat this boss so I could focus on this gameā€¦ and it keeps wiping me


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[quote=ā€œCallMeIo, post:2644, topic:83078, full:trueā€]

Most of that is already when Moleā€™s slot was doomed and theyā€™d be in anti-spew, so itā€™s pretty WIFOM regardless.

I think itā€™s pure, because I literally started it, so I think there were good reasons for it at the time and I maintain that.

I wonder if Sulit makes this giantpost mentioning Elephas in advance, while actively already knowing they are going to kill Elephas and only in unlikely situations where they would be JOAT healed, this would be of merit. Iā€™m guessing unlikely.

@EliThePsycho Have you caught up already?

Iā€™m not the one playing bad here. If youā€™re town, this is godawful play coming from you. Of course people are going to think youā€™re scummy if you hard defend a wolf. The fact that you canā€™t see how that makes you look scummy has me convinced that you must be a wolf. A villager would at least understand my view on them. A wolf would act like youā€™re acting right now. A wolf hard defending a wolfbuddy literally happens all the time. Especially in ToS. I know this is FM and not ToS, but the same principals apply. If you think you can prevent a wolfbuddy from being lynched, you defend them. Thatā€™s the bottom line here. Look towards App and me in both Insurgency and CFM 2 for that. Also, I canā€™t throw shade when itā€™s already there. Iā€™m just pointing out why youā€™re a super obvious wolf ancd Iā€™ll be shocked if I survive tonight after getting you yeeted.

What boss in what game?

Where are your reads at now? Could you make a readlist?

Sure thing. Iā€™ll do that now.

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Derps: Heā€™s making a lot of godawful pushes and defending obvious wolves but sadly, this is town AI for him. I did read through Hell in a Cell where he was scum and this feels closer to his town games than he did there.

Wazza: Not sure how to read him right now, but giving off a slightly townie vibe currently. His reaction to my confusion regarding his slot seems townish to me as I feel scum wouldā€™ve handled that differently.

Centuries: I donā€™t remember much from him so I donā€™t really have a good or even bad read on him, but GTH, Iā€™d slightly townish.

PK: He replaced in for one of my towncore so now heā€™s in my towncore in CatLoverā€™s place.
Vulgard: My top townread and the only one that itā€™s impossible for me to be wrong about. Clearly town.

Gorta: Very clearly scum. His defense of himself at the start of D3 was godawful and included OMGUSing me and being ultra LAMIST. I honestly canā€™t see how anyone could possibly think heā€™s town here. Heā€™s virtually openwolfing here and he was even scummy before EoD1. The ones TRing him need to take a close look on his slot and re eval.

sulit: Not too sure about this slot. I remember TRing her but I canā€™t really recall why exactly. It doesnā€™t help that I keep getting her confused with Wiisp.

CallMeIo: I desperately want lo here to be town as Iā€™d love a world where sheā€™s town, but her reads and how sure she is of everything have me slightly doubting that such a world exists. I still TL them though although that may be due to me wanting her to be town so badly.
Elephas: Considering that theyā€™re a dead flipped townie, Iā€™m equally as confident that theyā€™re town as I am about Vulgard being town.

Leafia: I have my reservations about this slot as it really puzzles me Her push on Gorta so early in the day seems pretty scummy to me and theyā€™re a known hard busser, so I can see why people would be scumreading her. Hmmm, her interaction with Mole does paint her in a good light as Mole was clearly trying to make her look scummy. Sheā€™s been more re evaluatily and is making her own reads too, but whether thatā€™s a sign of an improving scumgame or a towngame is hard to tell for certain. Iā€™ll have to ISO her later to be s- wait. This is me. Oops. This is town. Iā€™m as sure of it as I am about Vulgard being town.

Moleland: Iā€™m as sure of him being scuum as I am about Gorta being scum. Considering heā€™s a dead flipped scum, thatā€™s saying something.

Ash: I have no idea why people were scumreading him honestly, although he has dropped off the radar after EoD1. Considering thatā€™s when he was yeeted though, thatā€™s completely understandable.

Katze: Another slot I wasnā€™t sure about all of D1. RIP you townie you. You were an excellent cat and weā€™ll win this for you.

Wiisp: Pretty sure this is town at the moment. Sheā€™s had a very townie feel to her ever since the second half of D1.

Flameo: Iā€™m slightly confident that heā€™s town. Although if Iā€™m misclearing scum, this slot and Wazza are the most likely candidates.

Did you seriously just make the largest read in hereā€¦ on yourself?

And you included dead people too, becauseā€¦ why not.



Do you think these things always come from scum? If not, why do you think they come from scum now?

I was sleeping
Imma catch up now.

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I figured the mood was getting a bit too serious, so I decided to add a bit of humor to my reads. Besides, I was getting a bit tired of readlists that just flat out call the one making it town.

When does day end?

In 23 hours.

Fr? Nice, time to sleep.