[VFM] JoaT^2 - (6/15) - 😹 Pirates (Town) Win!

Since when is Mole inactive?
Seems to me like your defending him.
Time to ask you the same question you asked me.
How would you defend yourself if Mole flips Scum? :upside_down_face:

…When did I state Mole was inactive? I was responding to Centuries who stated you were pushing on inactives.

Literally didn’t mention Mole at all.

By getting my fellow scum to defend me of course :^)

You might not have said “Moles” name.
But that’s the only person I’m pushing.

You’re legit pushing me, you literally just- you know what, I quit, I’m too tired for this shit today.

My votes on Mole…

Your pushing me.
Ain’t the other way around.

Your words actually:
‘mY VotE tODaY iS oN mOle Or yOu

I swear are you a goldfish since you’re forgetting what you’re saying every 2 seconds.

Yes. Exactly.
Because I think your Mole’s Partner.
I plan to keep my vote on Mole but if people vote you and you become Top Wagon I’ll vote you and I’m not going to deny that.

You hurt my head when you contradict yourself.

I haven’t forgotten anything. :kissing_closed_eyes:

I mean I won’t be here for the rest of Day 1 if that eases your concerns.
Cya Day 2! :grin:

Thought you were going to vote me if I become a top wagon :^)

… This hurts my head

Hey there cool people! I should be here for most of the day until EoD.

My current wagon thoughts on mole/ash wagons is that mole probably should be easier to read later down the line. I can’t say I like his attitude in the slightest, and this high-horse persona that he seems to have makes it difficult to read him without flips. That exe could improve game quality itself but I am unsure on if it hits a wolf.

ash4fun wagon is the one that I started, and they have done nothing to change my mind. They dropped a readlist but there was no other of those cases like the one they did on me. This makes it harder to actually work with his posts and so far I have about as much to go on for this slot as I did earlier. They dropped a readslist and it at least does have the consistent mindset of “solving/reasonable good” which at least is consistent, so a slightly good look, but I would want their deeper thoughts on things now that this initial stage of the game is over and we need to seriously find a good wagon.

At the moment I would be okay, with either execution, ash moreso than mole, and I am going to see if in my ISOs I can find someone to look at as another possible execution candidate.

…high horse? What the actual duck

You have a very antagonistic play style. A lot of what you say is just stirring up conflict (which you have admitted is part of your way of reading) but it often comes off as a little mean.

This isn’t meant to lambast you in any way, I just think that your playstyle makes it difficult for me to read you, until you have learned you are right/wrong on something.

Speaking of that, I would probably ask you to case someone and choose them as a wagon to push. Be careful and re-evaluate, obviously, but I want you to actively try to push a wagon with some degree of confidence. The way you handle that is probably the way I will read you the easiest.

Oops. You’re right. I think most of the reason might be that I couldn’t exactly remember my read on Wiisp, whether it was a townlean or townread. Still just a townlean though. I can see why you thought it got stronger though, but it hasn’t.

I already stated that I’m sure Wisp is scum with that self reference to meta for no reason and just generally asking weak questions.

Nah Iv used that before wagon composition is a pretty big thing to look at