[VFM] JoaT^2 - (6/15) - šŸ˜¹ Pirates (Town) Win!


I suppose one more wonā€™t harm anyone.

/vote Moleland @DatBird

Hmmm, I see. This is an interesting read. Thanks.

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That was eery. Best bird.

Hmmm, maybe I misjudged you and if I did, Iā€™m sorry. The only question is who should be in the consensus towncore?

Having said this, the only thing I took as noteworthy myself from the ISO was a heavy scumread on Io. This obviously plays into Ioā€™s motivation to discrediting any potential NKA on Katze as a frame.

It just hasnā€™t been my priority at the moment. Iā€™m working on ISOing the slots I am unsure about and am hoping to get that done by about 2020-07-31T00:00:00Z.

After that, Iā€™ll go more in-depth on an_gorta, but I would like a little bit of time to sort out my thoughts. Iā€™ve been somewhat busy and scrapped my earlier ISOs because I was displeased with them but I should be able to get the ISOs finished before then and spend the remaining time I have discussing who exactly I would like my vote to be on.

As for your response to my Flameo case, I feel like you are calling my Flowchart performative. I feel like you are really discrediting itā€™s merit. I wanted to explain my thought process and really get in to the shoes of someone else, and a chart usually helps me do that! I originally did not intend to make it a chart, and just a general paragraph on what I thought Flameoā€™s thought process is, but I like charts, and find them helpful :frowning: . I just thought it would be a good way for people to easily see my thought process. I was actually fairly proud of myself for making that.

I explained why I thought Flameoā€™s questioning of posts was town-indicative, and if you read my chart, you might just be able to see that! Itā€™s not just that Flameo had been asking questions, itā€™s that the way she did so felt both fair and diligent. Usually asking questions is only lightly alignment indicative, but I felt that there was a process there that made her pushes much more in good faith.

Nobody else right now for this specifically, as this process was specific to Flameo!

What actually feels like padding? I donā€™t like to make posts without a purpose, I am the opposite of someone who likes to pad posts. With quotes, please, would be preferred, as I find it shocking that you think I have been padding my posts when, (regardless of alignment for me), I do not pad my posts and try to make things as deliberate as possible.

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I think I am comfortorable with a towncore of for now at least with

Leafia, Wisp, me, SirDerpsAlot.

Iā€™m considering Elephas and Sulit for this, but they still have some asterisks that I need to work out.

(Centuries has left my radar for a bit as well, will doublecheck that one too)

Mole is certain that I am a wolf but not voting me, I donā€™t get it

Like that is easily the thing I hate the most about that slot

I feel like people are just mafia-reading me for my playstyle, and not the content of my posts. I am someone who enjoys making longer cases and ISOs, as well as charts and the sorts. I try to get my bearings earlier in the day and then make some much stronger pushes near EoD, where it matters much more~

I have fallen into the nasty habit of just responding to pings at myself, so I am going to work on finishing the ISOs of:


Iā€™ll check back after I do each individual one and ask for thoughts before going to the next. Itā€™s just how I like to do things. If you do not like that, I am sorry, but I am not going to alter my preferred method of solving simply because you do not like it!

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Oh Centuries can join my towncore.

No I just got bored because I donā€™t like ISOs lol

[quote=ā€œash4fun, post:1256, topic:83078, full:trueā€]

[quote=ā€œElephas, post:1073, topic:83078ā€]

ā€œmakes more sense as town/scumā€ is ig a buzzword for gutread for me.

For derps:

[quote=ā€œSirDerpsAlot, post:253, topic:83078ā€]

They spend a lot of day 1 contemplating Ashā€™ slot. Eventually they unvote and weakly push another wagon, because they are kind of unsure of who to push now.

The following day they feel some regret for not pushing their Ash townread further. This reads as genuine to me.

Yeah sorry my guy, brotherā€™s birthday and I wanted to get some sleep, only got around 4 hours. Iā€™ll do stuff in around 30 mins at most.

I think itā€™s just an annoyance at people that meme like that, because itā€™s inherently anti town. Open wolving is just shitting on the premise of the game because ā€œhaha it is funnyā€. I think Wiisp shares this sentiment.

Can you not taste the annoyance in the first sentence?

I think this calls out some of their own bias in order to own it. Certain players naturally scumread their scumreaders and townread their townreaders. (I fall in this category). I donā€™t think it applies to everyone.

I think they glossed too much over me and retracted that read on me later, so I can address why I was there.

This might look like Iā€™m defending them too much towards you, but Iā€™d like for a towncore idea to work and hope you see some merit in these points.


Can you please push someone independently? Youā€™ve spend all of today defending.

I reread Elephas now and they are fine on a donā€™t want to lynch today kind of scale. Sulit will stay an asterisk until they show otherwise I suppose.

Lynch pool is probably Vulgard/Gorta/Io/Mole/Wazza

Casing on Wazza:

The first half of this posting is something that I donā€™t think is alignment indicative. This general deflated ā€œI hate this game, just kill me alreadyā€ can and has come from different alignments. Trying to read in to those types of posts just leads to cherrypicking quotes to fit what you think, and confirmation bias. Iā€™ll admit I did try to read in to it heavily earlier but at this point I think the best way to handle his posts about hating that he randed VT is just to ignore them or at the very least admit thereā€™s not much to be gleaned from them, and just focus on the posts of his I can find that donā€™t relate to that.

One thing Iā€™ve found in general is, regardless of the alignment of the person posting this, they will usually believe it is true. Not that it is- but he will usually think he has no differences at all between his Town and Mafia games. I have no interest in looking at his past games, so I do not care if there are tonal differences between the two, but this mindset may be important later.

He approached the wall that the above quoted post is in in a way that I have struggled to interpret but I have come to the conclusion that Wazza and Sulit is t/w. Iā€™ve mulled over this wall for about 10-15 minutes and this is the conclusion iā€™ve come.


I have a lot of mixed feelings from this wall, but I have ascertained a few things from it that I believe to be telling. I think that, in this wall, he is approaching this wall from the mindset that sulit is town. He says so at the beginning and the way his reads and posts are formulated makes me think that he had genuinely approached this from the mindset that sulit is town. This could mean a few worlds (Wazza wolf and is TMIing sulit town, Wazza town and is townreading sulit), but it distinctly does not feel like itā€™s from somebody who has TMI on sulit being mafia. Therefore I think that it is not w/w.

I can go into further detail on the posts that made me specifically think he does not have TMI on wolf!sulit, but to make it more concise iā€™m just putting the general reasoning here.

He ended up voting and pushing CallMeIo later (I know he said he was not going to make reads, but I am not going to fault him for going back on that nor do I think itā€™s inherently wolfy as I can see the mindset of wanted to play the game as town even if you said earlier you werenā€™t)

I like how he stands his ground when CallMeIo pushed him, specifically the way he attacked him for his perceived poor arguments. There was focused aggression when he was drilling Io that made me feel like this was more than pushing Io for more than just pushing him. Posts like these:


Feel like he is attacking Io with a purpose behind it and that purpose being to highlight hypocrisy. It could be just because I genuinely do think the things he highlighted are good things to point out but but I liked the way he did it, the additude he did it with, and what he actually did end up accomplishing.

My only reservation on this point is that he proceeded this whole thing with a vote (before really getting in to the meat and potatoes of the contradictions) and there is a world where he only started looking for things that looked bad after he decided he wanted to push Io but I still appreciated the push itself and thought it was good even if thereā€™s a chance it was preplanned.


I lightly town read Wazza for his push and aggression on CallMeIo near the end of his ISO, and do not think he is ever w/w with sulit.


I donā€™t get why I shouldnā€™t take claims at face value, whether Wolfie or PR claiming, I expect people to not lie or unnecessarily FPS

Iā€™ve seen people claim their wolf role in an open setup, and flip wolf and that exact roleā€¦

And for someone like Lo to hard push a thunderdome, and not be [redacted] will honestly blow my mind

I like this post enough for me to remove Wazza from lynch poolā€¦ I donā€™t think they should be far from it however. Two recent inactivity apologies give me some alarm bells.

I will be optimistic and hope they swiftly change my mind today. :slight_smile:

So lynch pool: Mole/Vulgard/Io/Gorta