[VFM] JoaT^2 - (6/15) - šŸ˜¹ Pirates (Town) Win!

im pretty sure u just made that up

Who said I had to conform?

Iā€™ve already answered you, this is dumb. Eh, whatever.

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Wiisp Moleland 1/8
Moleland CallMeIo, Vulgard, ash4fun, Wiisp 4/8
ash4fun CatLover, Elephas, Sulit 3/8
CallMeIo katze, Wazza, Leafia 3/8
Catlover SirDerpsAlot 1/8
katze centuries 1/8

@ me for any mistakes or future votes

[quote=ā€œFlameo, post:788, topic:83078, full:trueā€]

I just had to point this hypocrisy. :slight_smile: I wonder if I belonged into both groups for you now.

[quote=ā€œVulgard, post:624, topic:83078ā€]

This was completely unrelated to what youā€™ve said about me thus farā€¦?

So you expect me to materialize something super complex exactly at that, the start of the gameā€¦? A read also does not have to be complex to be right. Iā€™ll need to re-case probably everyone, because I am getting really bogged down by this specifically.

I am asking, if there was a better candidate at that time, that I should have voted, was I properly scumhunting. Youā€™d prefer if I had reached the conclusion that everyone was town and I should just vote someone that hadnā€™t posted? I made that vote, because I thought that was the best vote I could make at that time.

I fail to see this train of thought?

[quote=ā€œFlameo, post:606, topic:83078ā€]


[quote=ā€œVulgard, post:246, topic:83078ā€]


You give me a conditional scum and you give him a conditional town.

[quote=ā€œVulgard, post:627, topic:83078ā€]

If it would be, you wouldnā€™t have been intended in on it, but you just magically figuring out they are town LHF from (I think they hadnā€™t posted more than 5 posts) is quite astonishing and them saying they have all of the experience is funny.

@Vulgard you have not. I broke the quote againā€¦, but the point should be there.

I find it difficult to come to a conclusive read on katze. I will be honest, I just do not know that well how to read them this game. I thought I could try to understand their vibe past the off-topic posting but in all honesty any time I try to formulate a conclusion it gets shot down in my own head. I do not know what to do with this slot, I am really struggling to come to a read on it, I am really really sorry people.

If I had to choose, I would say villager and only because of the strikethroughts in this post seem a little tilted in a way that makes me think katze is sour from pasts games and does not want them to happen again. I donā€™t know the context but that kind of passive-aggresive strikethrough gives me that feeling.

Otherwise, katze is a really tough person to figure out for me in this game. Iā€™ve thought of them from a lot of worlds and I canā€™t figure out what makes the most sense.

while iā€™m mildly entertained that yet another person has fallen into the ā€œitā€™s impossible to read katzeā€ trap (trust me, you are far from the first)

i feel like youā€™re forcing yourself to come to a conclusion given that i guarantee iā€™d write that exact same post regarding my past game as a wolf, because i am slightly sour about it

can you elaborate how your read progressed on me as you went deeper into my ISO?


Yā€™all should get on-wagon or else suggest a CFD soon.

Even if that means burying me, at least give future town something to work with. I donā€™t want no wolves playin diddly on a vanity train, yā€™hear? :cowboy_hat_face:

your vote still isnā€™t doing anything btw

I am working on it. I canā€™t guarantee youā€™ll like the result. What do you think of your wagon?

I happen to tr two of the people on my wagon.

My sleep-deprived play yesterday had some icky stuff ig, and catloverā€™s and elephasā€™s progressions on me seem real.

Sulit on the other hand, well,

Like it isnā€™t lockscum levels bad but itā€™s pretty bad. Especially if someone else flips scum.

i mean if you exclude the context then you can make a lot of posts look worse, ash

Well, at first I liked you because of the early strikethrough post. I thought it was a decent look when you questioned sulitā€™s read on you (I re-thought on that later and decided it was NAI but I liked it on my first read)

I then felt that you had contradicted yourself on sulit, saying that you didnā€™t know what was AI for her but then giving meta-tells of hers. I ignored it for the most part because I think people fake meta reads regardless of alignment ( even villagers will often cherry-pick meta that works with what they think subconsciously just because they want to be right, and meta is unreliable) but I just now realized that the post was in reply to asking you about Leafia, so I take that line of thought out of my read all together.

Honestly, your general style is discrediting any village reads on you because ā€œI would write that as a wolf as wellā€. I noticed it twice 20 posts in. I donā€™t know what to make of it, at first I thought it was villagery because you were showing to be unbiased towards yourself and trying to get a read on a person, and not just accepting weak town reads. Then I thought you were TMI-ing yourself wolf. at this point in time, I am somewhere between the two. I slightly lean the 2nd, because you used vulā€™s town read on you to push him and that could come from the mindset of someone who knows he is wrong and is pushing him for it, but itā€™s a light read and not something I am going to push off of

You talk a lot about how hard you are to read too.

This was all about 20 or 30 posts in, I could do more but I think you get the idea. You say a lot of things that are hard to decipher and apparently do it on purpose.

I believe you are being slightly hypocritical of peopleā€™s reads on you, you castigate people for giving weak reasons to town read you, but reading your read lists they feel just as brief. Unfortunately, as Iā€™ve come to learn, Hipocracy is not very AI.

In the end, I love cats, but you are a difficult cat to understand my feelings on because you shroud your posts in meta reads, off-topic posting, and intentional obscuring of readability.

what do you think of the read list that was pointed out by Ash? from Mole

also if anyone as town or mafia games from Mole, that would be great to read once I get back, gotta help my mother for a little bit

tbh I havenā€™t really been paying attention to sulit.

like Iā€™m still not sure I like how they handled that vote but ig it makes a bit more sense now.

I still donā€™t think itā€™s fair to compare d3 reads that have been confirmed by flips to d1 reads, and afaik Iā€™m not undercutting previous posts. But I guess the vote makes a bit more sense.


Can you please substantiate your vote on Wisp more? Some quotes would be helpful. Iā€™m not seeing what youā€™re seeing in their posts thus far.

I quite like Sulitā€™s posting even though a lot of posts are very wasteful. I could see where literally all their takes were coming from to be honest.

Except Gorta, who I should still read as well, since they finally popped up!

can you point out these posts


i assume youā€™re talking about post #310 here, so iā€™ll clarify a bit on what i was thinking when i wrote that post

the fact that he was changing his read on me specifically was coincidental (but it certainly made it easier to notice)

i found his thought process slightly unnatural because he did a complete 180 all because i asked him to elaborate on his read on me

which isnā€™t a very AI post imo, do you disagree?

i take more pride in being hard to read than i should tbh

which has been an issue in past games

(for clarification, every quoted person in the above dropdown box was town)

for what its worth i jotted down my thoughts on people and wasnā€™t fully intending on turning it into a readlist (or writing on every player) but then i wrote about everybody and figured iā€™d put it all in an easier to read format

I mean, I would have to get the context, and read it heavily, and probably donā€™t want to focus on that 1 hour before EoD. But even if I didnā€™t see it, I would be far more interested in vulgardā€™s thought process and if he thought the post was AI and why. Even if I think a read is faulty, itā€™s important to understand why they had that read and if their mindset made sense. Did you ask him why he turned around so fast, or did you just say that the 180 was scummy?