[VFM] JoaT^2 - (6/15) - 😹 Pirates (Town) Win!

Ash4fun has been executed! He was…

Vanilla Townie

You are a Vanilla Townie. Your only weapons are your voice and your vote.

Defeat the Mafia.

Night 1 begins and will end in 24 hours, at 2020-07-29T19:00:00Z. Please submit all night actions by 30 minutes before the end of the day.

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Actions were locked 15 minutes ago

If you didn’t get feedback you slept peacefully

The dogs came for her at night.

The cat pirate lept from the box she used as a hammock at the sound of unfamiliar footsteps in her cabin. Before her stood three dogs. She meowed at the top of her lungs, but try as she might, no one came.

As the dogs circled around her, she realized that, try as she might, she wouldn’t be powerful enough to overpower them. Still, she wasn’t going to go down without a fight. She tried to scratch at the dogs, and managed to draw blood from one of them. He snarled at her. “You’ll pay for that,” he said.

“Maybe I will,” said the cat pirate. “But if I can make sure you go down with me, it’s worth it.” She twitched her whiskers. “No matter how many of us you take, you won’t break our will to fight.”

The cat pirate ran her claw through the blood in the cut on the dog’s leg. She drew the image of a smiling cat on the floor.

“That’s enough!” said another one of the dogs. Together, the dogs grabbed ahold of the cat pirate, dragged her to the edge of the deck, and threw her overboard.

Yet as the sun rose, and the remaining cat pirates began to notice the empty cabin where their friend had once been, they also noticed the image. Their friend had left them a sign, a sign to keep moving forward. A sign of joy.

The sign

katze has died! She was:

Vanilla Townie

You are a Vanilla Townie. Your only weapons are your voice and your vote.

Defeat the Mafia.

Day 2 begins and will end in 48 hours! With 13 players alive, majority is 7.

kat specifically requested to have a joycat in her flavor if she ever died, don’t @ me



The kill’s an interesting maneuver.
Didn’t do any reading overnight.

/vote sulit

That’s a… very interesting nightkill

PR hunt?

I don’t believe that was a SPK as katze was not very present.

I’ve got an idea I’ve seen elsewhere. Everyone pretends they are a Joat and out their night result - therefore the actual joat can out there’s without scum being able to tell that easily.

Sidenote - wtf happened the end of the day

A fellow cat gone :pouting_cat:.

Slightly confused on the kill, I do not think katze was a consensus townie, or at least to me. I’ll read katze’s iso to see if this is more likely a JOAT hunt, or if katze was killed for other reasons

I don’t understand killing a player who is not easily read by others. Would they not be a possible target for a mislynch?

I will be sifting through katze’s Isolation shortly.
It was a PR hunt, or katze was on-to something.

Katze didn’t really want to play this game and their wish was granted.
Well, it helps me with a slot I would normally have some trouble reading.

Flameo’s vote is notable if gorta is a wolf.

Vote Target Voted by Votes
sulit Vulgard 1/7

I’m here kinda

Kat was sussing Io and gorta and Vul before they died

I’m not great at PR hunting but didn’t see anything too PR-y from looking at ISO

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Also @elphas I was ISOing you but got distracted with something else and didn’t finish it, I plan to do it again sometime today tho

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After reading katze’s ISO, I see nothing that could indicate they were a JOAT. I doubt that this kill was a JOAT hunt kill.

Not many people were townreading katze either. Is it possible it had to do with their reads?

I hated yesterday’s yeet. If I had just read a bit faster, I might’ve been in time to save Ash. Ash wasn’t even scummy at all so I don’t know why she even got voted at all. Also, so this is what it’s like to be alive D2 as town. The yeet yesterday made me realize something too. The main one behind Ash’s yeet was also the only one to have liked the final post saying we had yeeted a townie which helped a lot too. Elephas namely. After ett rethinking him over, his reads seem to be pretty shallow and unreal. Not only that, but he was the first to vote for Ash. My guess is that the wolves designated Ash to be the D1 misyeet and we fell right into it.

/vote Elephas @Arete

Vote Target Voted by Votes
sulit Vulgard 1/7
Elephas Leafia 1/7

That’s actually a good idea I think.