[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

Ok, I kinda agree

if you kinda agree what parts do you not agree on

@Luxy can you make an ISO on me and in like 10 hours(after todayā€™s finals) Iā€™ll drop the bomb of why Iā€™ve been playing weirdly today

goodluck on ur finals

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Wait, can I see mistā€™s responses to see that he actually didnā€™t do anything? Other then make excuses ofc.

Click the iso button on mists posts



Yeah, I agree with you @Luxy

Ok vote Mist then

Same with you @Isaac_Gonzalez

You know Iā€™m on mobile and Iā€™m at universal studios the chance of me finding time is low

Iā€™ll try tho

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did you just ping me asking if I think Iā€™m a wolf

To defend yourself

/vote mist

From what

Inaccurate VCA accusations?

Youā€™re saying I didnā€™t care about the Kai wagon but if you look at the timing of my vote I literally said it was to save Kai

And saying I did nothing is a lie

I reread half the thread yesterday, which you would know if you werenā€™t just pushing an easy mislynch

/vote Luxy

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Hippolytus Priestess and Mercenary 1/6
Mist1422 Luxy, Isaac_Gonzalez 2/6
Italy Tangeld, Marshal 2/6
Luxy Mist1422 1/6
Currently Abstaining Players Sulit, Katze, Italy, Jeremy_Gonzalez, Hippolytus 5

Yeah if you were town Iā€™d expect better play from you thanks for confirming youā€™re scum

You quoted old posts had lukewarm to no opinions and were entirely performative. You were not trying to solve at all