[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

As much as I hate this post its probably true.

Thread has been dead for 7 hours meaning scum is happy with the status quo.

What’s the status quo? Lynch Italy.

So unless all wolves are inactive af I think one of the main pushers today are wolf.

Given Marshal’s entire push on Jake was based on the fact Jake was a three town wagon D1 I feel Marshal could be scum here.

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Like unless the scum are exactly the gonzalez + italy this threadstate suggests Italy is not mafia

This post suggests Mist or Hippo as scum as they did not care about the TvT wagons

Marshal is a deepwolf with Hippo/Mist as teammates.

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I’m not confident in lynching Marshal though just yet so I’d prefer Mist but if someone can help flesh out this read I’d be more confident about it given the Marshal read is more macro/threadstate based

Italy is probably just town judging by this.

Marshal had italy on a team with jake but hasn’t reeval’d given Jake’s town flip

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Hippo said he was going to reread and he hasn’t: he is still hyper focused on one player which is indicative of a narrow wolf mindset.

Not to mention him calling all of my pushes mislynches before they had flipped indicating a possible perspective slip

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@Mercenary I agree Hippo is probably a wolf as well



Do you agree with what I said?

Mist still has done nothing at all and only made excuses

Where is your brother at btw?

i told him to hop on rn

Who has summoned me?

This is a gem if my solve is correct: he put both his teammates in his ‘guess scumteam’

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Read my above posts and tell me if you agree

Okie dokie

@Jeremy_Gonzalez read these

And this