[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

Then the answer is no lmao


lmao no

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kat yelling at marshal

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italy why are you scum

why are you scum

u first

iā€™ll tell you in scumchat jeez

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he pro

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so, howā€™s everyoneā€™s day

Stop ignoring my messages in private chat

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man, i ask how everyoneā€™s day is going and you all just ignore me
canā€™t believe youā€™d be that rude

you come back now

iā€™m sorry iā€™ve been spending the past few days in bed and throwing up into a toilet

oh you donā€™t know how to replace out?

instead of being scum read by everyone at this point

i refuse to have a perfect record of 0 replaces be tarnished

Htm has replaced sulit


oh my god its htm no way


okay so hereā€™s where im at.

i have the worlds stupidest tinfoil and it might just be right. it all has to do with this


Now katze has used :^) 3 times.

Now from what i can tell katze hasnā€™t used ā€œ:^)ā€ in past games.
So the question begs. what does it mean and where did they learn it.

Letā€™s begin with the latter.

:^) has only been used once this game by someone who is a non-katze. This person? Mist1422. Did katze start using this from scumchat?

Now for what :^) means. I think :^) is a subconcious signal for being disingenuine. Their first post containing it is NAI but gives insight into the meaning. It is used in the context of a joke vote based of something someone said. Im going to conflate it with a light chuckle.

/vote marshal
more posts more interactions. hehe

Now lets fit in the other posts with :^).

and when i flip town whatā€™s your excuse gonna be. hehe.

lets see if im tonightā€™s nightkill. hehe.

Those are obvious suspicios statments when you plug in the true meaning.

Is this bullshit or genius? that is up for interpertation

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when did he come back wtf