[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Hippolytus, Isaac_Gonzalez, Jeremy_Gonzalez 3/8
Isaac_Gonzalez Marshal, JakeTheWolfie 2/8
Chloe Kai_5 1/8
Mist1422 Luxy and Geyde, Priestess and Mercenary, Chloe 3/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Katze, Italy, Mist1422, Icibalus 6

Chloe, what is your opinion on Mists posts so far?

And since you are locktown, who are your biggest scumreads?

Youā€™re asking me too many questions, kat. You should know that I hate writing more than I need to. Youā€™re on my radar :eyes:

However, because I love you, I will reply to your questions when Iā€™m on my PC in the morning. I canā€™t be bothered right now.

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Iā€™m town, I wonā€™t go back and read most likely.

Morning, gentlemen. youā€™ll excuse me if I donā€™t do much until this afternoon- thereā€™s a certain amount of head banging going on thanks to how badly I miscalculated the results of the election.

whatā€™s fucking worse is that the Gaurdian is now promising to be my therapy newspaper
the fucking GUARDIAN
i think the last thing I need is ā€œstrong authoritative journalismā€

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everybody is fucking depressed because in terms of the actual popular vote the second referendum/brexit ratio wasā€¦ FUCKING 52/48 but thanks to how terrible our electoral system is and how fumble-minded of an idea brexit is all the labour voters were basically shuffled around, breaking the Labour electoral backbone

now weā€™ve got to deal with 7 fucking years of negotiation as it turns out that even beyond the Brexit deal Johnson dosenā€™t have a clue what heā€™s doing, while the electoral landscape is completely dominated by Conservative infighty bullshit

now, does anybody want to make this easy for me and claim wolf?

i hardclaim a furry animal

david attenbrough voice

and here we see the ā€œha ha funny fakeclaimā€ responder in itsā€™ natural habitat. notice, when faced with a request to hardclaim, it immediately hardclaims something completely irellevant. This display is intended to confuse predators such as the wolf, and make them not nightkill them, as it makes it seem like this playerā€¦ dosenā€™t know how to play the game.


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oh yeah also Jake is obviously a wolf

/vote Jake


explaining your FoS, but not just what the FoS is but what ANY FoS is (which, in fairness, he is correct, FoSing is just voting for COWARDLY CRETINS) in the most self-aware way possible (Iā€™m so busy/stupidā€¦!) with a patronising tone that implies knowledge over Chemist, includes the classic ā€œIā€™m just gonnaā€ method of fumbling around with your intentions, all points to that post being entirely meant to be persuasive in a way that dosenā€™t match with what v!Jake would ever post there

why yes because all of the wolves are going to give you a relevant hardclaim here

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i was doing the david attenbrough voice
itā€™s a joke

you said you were a furry animal, I decided to counter that by pretending to be that british guy who voices over images of small furry animals in mortal combat with snakes in the most relaxing way possible

itā€™s what we call a humour, which Iā€™ve heard will be made illegal in britain shortly

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Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Hippolytus, Isaac_Gonzalez, Jeremy_Gonzalez 3/8
Isaac_Gonzalez Marshal, JakeTheWolfie 2/8
Chloe Kai_5 1/8
Mist1422 Luxy and Geyde, Priestess and Mercenary, Chloe 3/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Katze, Italy, Mist1422 5

oh, for a moment i thought you expected a wolf to claim or something

yes i know who david attenbrough is, sarcasm through text is hard


itā€™s spelt humour

why are you scum