[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
JakeTheWolfie Sulit, Italy, Priestess and Mercenary, Marshal, JakeTheWolfie 5/7
Marshal Hippolytus 1/7
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Katze, Mist1422, Jeremy_Gonzalez, Luxy and Geyde, Isaac_Gonzalez 7

urge to vote jake rising

1 Like

so you are doing this simply to fuck with the hosts.

l-1 brings me to a state of stress to where i will “dayvig” you with a baseball bat

I mean, that would bring me much joy, yes.

If this day ends with a majority lynch I will not be happy we have little time as it is let jake go to plurality

you still owe me 1 stabbing

/vote Jake

I think that’s called a home run

haha jk


angrily pulls out baseball bat

/vote jake

this is the right move


slightly less angrily puts away baseball bat

get hammered motherfucker

Baseball music starts

haha marshal scumslipped cause he tried to quicklynch

can we get an f for jake
he got quickhammered D2

Shit katze quicklynched

Did you mean D3?

My daughter is evil

Can you don’t