[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!


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I will tho

So I’m walking trying to type a message and I smash my knee into a wooden bench camouflaged into the brown concrete at universal. Ice pack and two ibuprofen later I am back

/vote Mist

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Hippolytus Priestess and Mercenary 1/6
Mist1422 Luxy 1/6
Currently Abstaining Players Marshal, Tangeld, Sulit, Katze, Italy, Jeremy_Gonzalez, Mist1422, Isaac_Gonzalez, Hippolytus 9


skrees in frustration

Sulit - Town
Priestess and Mercenary - Town

Tangeld - Probably Town

Jeremy_Gonzalez - IDK How to read the brothers, but I think they’re more likely to both be town than not
Isaac_Gonzalez - IDK How to read the brothers, but I think they’re more likely to both be town than not

Marshal - Between Marshal and Luxy I suspect at least 1 deepwolf
Luxy - Between Marshal and Luxy I suspect at least 1 deepwolf

Italy - Quite Fishy
Mist1422 - Also Pretty Fishy

Hippolytus - idk lmao

discuss my awful readlist

Time to iso as much people as possible


We’ve got a lengthy catchup post that looks good for them, good progression and explanation/thought process.

Afterwords we have a bunch of short but content filled posts, all of which don’t ring any bells. They pay attention to Jake and Nuclear, don’t sound tmi-y

Only thing that worries me is they discuss Jake being scum a lot but never actually interact or vote them.

I’d say light town read.


WAIT I have to study for finals and eat dinner one second lovelies


Just like to jump in with this really quick.

I didn’t initially vote Jake because he was at L-2 when I cast my vote, and I kept my vote on Italy because I was increasingly convinced that Italy is scum. Which reminds me…

/vote Italy You didn’t think you could escape my notice, did you?

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Hippolytus Priestess and Mercenary 1/6
Mist1422 Luxy 1/6
Italy Tangeld 1/6
Currently Abstaining Players Marshal, Sulit, Katze, Italy, Jeremy_Gonzalez, Mist1422, Isaac_Gonzalez, Hippolytus 8

Ah, I missed that

I look forward to you drinking hot sauce, marshal

so 11/15 alive

7 is LyLo

we have room for 2 more MLs?

we need to quit being stupid

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including myself given im prime ML material

i think theres a 100% chance to have at least 1 scum between Italy/Mist

maybe even 2 scum

3rd scum i think is a deepwolf, prob between marshal/luxy

/vote italy

i am still waiting for some certain things to happen but until then i want the towncred for this wagon

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Hippolytus Priestess and Mercenary 1/6
Mist1422 Luxy 1/6
Italy Tangeld, Marshal 2/6
Currently Abstaining Players Sulit, Katze, Italy, Jeremy_Gonzalez, Mist1422, Isaac_Gonzalez, Hippolytus 7

Stop voting LHFs sigh.
We did that D1 and D2
It did not work

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