[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

…Of course Marshal dies. That leaves me with the two people I had in PoE.

This is why I didn’t want to lynch Priestess.

Tan you have to vote first

So now the question becomes whether scum!Kat kills Marshal because he’s afraid of Marshal instavoting him, or whether scum!Dat kills Marshal to set Kat up.

The latter works with my NKA (scum trying to set people up with every kill), but given that I uncovered that whole thing yesterday, I don’t know if scum would stick with it.

tan you know me better than DB knows me

you should know how much i love memes

would i kill marshal and NOT laugh at his face?

actually no, Kat u vote first

im not sure which one of you two is scum

why would i vote first

Actually, why is Dat trying to get each of us to vote first?

We are all in the same vote, u drop all prior reads at final three. I need someone to vote first and based on your last post about memes makes me think ur the good starter vote

Hang on… Hosts, if myself or the other town voted town up, would that just end the game since we couldn’t get the scum lynch anymore?

you were both townreads for me literally yesterday

i was a scumread to you both

you both either have to trust me or not trust me

why the hell would i vote first?

Mechanical questions should be asked in classcards.

As Final 3s work. The first person to vote gets omgus voted by the other person, that way we dont have a three way tie. Im hoping for one of you to either vote me and leave Tan now in the decision as my gutread on Kat still feels right, or vote not me So I can end this

Fair enough.


tfw datbird wants me to vote first

yeah i do lolcat


tfw idk whos scum

whichever one of you two is town

if you vote me you lose

that’s all i really have to say for myself

actually, i can post the wallpost i wrote for marshal

as then u dont have the controlling vote in the end as I dont trust you enough