[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

there’s a method to my madness, please

I off topiced because I knew it wouldn’t harm the thread and would instead create content from somebody’s angry reaction. Also, because I’m annoyed that my country’s fucked. That too.

“Let’s do stupid things because others hopefully won’t do stupid things too”
Ugh I stop, this stuff isn’t worth my time

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Notice how I did it in a lull in content?

Anyway, I know from your reaction that you’re a villager, so i mean

Anyway, yes, Jake is a wolf, and you should vote them.

Why? You exactly know that I hate rulebreaks or off-topic as any alignment

because you got angry about it not because it annoyed you but because you thought (incorrectly but whatever) it was anti-village, and you were clearly trying to advance the gamestate with that post

there’s village motivation there

So concluding this with “yeah it’s a reaction test and result is: Priestess is town” is …
beg my pardon
This is BS
Like… no person ever would come to this conclusion just by “oh Priestess doesn’t like rulebreaks”

i know villagery reactions when I see them

So, what are your thoughts about the thread? You’ve said nothing useful yet, but “our biggest lhf is scum for no real reason lets exe him”
/vote Icibalus

For what it’s worth I don’t think Jake is the biggest LHF

mostly because I don’t think he’s scum, but you guys probably know his playstyle better than I

wow you didn’t read my post and claimed I didn’t have a reason for reading the very obviously a wolf as wolf


I know wolfy ass FoSes when I see them too. Jake’s a wolf.

I confirm. Jake is a Wolfie.

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ah heck our entire scumteam was outted d1 mom

time to concede

He also randed wolf in this game and is a wolf in this game.

Look, I’m not this sure about my first read very often. Sure, Jake’s showing signs of his ““village meta””, but he’s also showing the blatant signs of his wolf meta: there’s the “haha i’m a wolf” thing but there’s also the prescient awkwardness that permeates every serious post he makes. I’m willing to bet that he’s deliberately breaking his wolf meta here. It’s bound to happen eventually.

I do, of course, have proof for this: he’s really really wolfy. Did you fucking SEE that FoS post? Explaining the concept of an FoS while at the same time denying the validity of FoSes in an incredibly strange way is indicative of a lack of villagery motivation. Why did Jake make that post if he’s a villager?

“because he is FoSing Chemist!”

but he didn’t just do that, he attatched an explanation to it, he disavowed the concepts of FoSes as being effectively for bad players. it’s not something that would happen if you were just trying to voice suspicion on somebody, it’s highly self-aware. If he’s a villager there has to be some more xomplicated explanation. his motivation has to be summarised as thus:

“He is FoSing Chemist and [blank]”

why would there be a [blank] in his motivation is the key question? What was the post’s other intention? why disavow the concept of an FoS?

There are two explanations I can think of:
“Jake is FoSing Chemist and explaining why he thinks FoSing is a bad format because it is”
“Jake is FoSing Chemist and making a poorly conceived joke”

Explanation 1 dosen’t really work because the tone is far too weird for that to be natural. It’s highly patronising, the way it’s phrased is off, and it just generally dosen’t feel like a serious statement.

Explanation 2 is interesting but I also think it dosen’t hold water. It’s really just deferring the question- why make that poorly conceived joke? It dosen’t really make sense, because as a form of self-deprecation it’s unatural, and we run into a simmilar problem to the one above.

Ergo, we need to delve into the wolf explanation: Jake is posturing. The post is posturing. Jake is a wolf.

thus recorded is my long and rambly explanation for why Jake is a wolf

tl;dr: the motivation behind that Jake post is shit and dosen’t account for the tonal weirdness and general badness of the post, and I think it indicates that that post was just an attempt to get villagecred

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i really hate having to write all this down, because in my head it’s easily written as “the motivation dosen’t make sense”, but there’s no way I can directly transmit my thoughts into your skull

and now i’ve written a post that nobody will read

look basically the motivation is bullshit and Jake’s a wolf
trust me

Jake is always bullshit
And he is in most of the cases town
This is not a valid argument