[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

No, I think you’re either a wolf with a very bad attempt to mislynch someone… which doesn’t really make sense
I think you’re just a townie who desperately tries to prove he can find a scum D1 and this blinds you.

this is mountainous
i’m not expecting you to sheep me on everything i say, but villages in mountainous die if they don’t cooperate

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Do a scumread on anyone else than Jake
And I’ll believe you.

hold on a moment
let me just prove once and for all that jake’s tone is off in the stupidest way possible
fucking grammarly

okay i guess ill just be the devils advocate here

whether or not you’re correct here doesn’t matter; it doesn’t mean you’re more right than her in this specific situation

i don’t hold a strong opinion here but this entire situation makes me think a jake lynch would solve the alignment of like, 4 people

and ive never played mountainous but that sounds decent

Katze, this is exactly how they always try to set up policy lynches.
I’m sick of it.

but if it would give us a lot of information, I’d be not necessarily against it

If you were smart, you would have realized:

  1. I was FoSing a newbie
  2. I was already voting

chemist is up for 3 awards on MU


how could you read Chemist’s ISO and think it was from a newbie?

anyway i’m too tired to continue this and I don’t think my presence is actually important between you two

/FoS Kai

i think if anyones on LHF it’s him

this entire situation has distracted me from writing a post on why but i think it’s pretty self explanitory

good night, don’t quicklynch, keep talking so i can solidify my personal PoE

Jake’s keyword density this game (basic words and his own name removed):


Jake’s keyword density in sample village game (I took Paint Your Mafia as it was at a simmilar gamestate to this one when it ended)


notice a large number of mentions of a person/person(s). i think that’s just their personality. But then look at something important: the next biggest term in each case is an allignment descriptor:

NAI vs. scum. Jake has been talking about people being NAi this game- in his village game, there was an awful lot of mentions of people being wolves.

in addition there is evidence that Jake is saying less with his posts this game- notice a lower number of keywords have been said thus far in this game across the board despite simmilar postcounts

in both cases the reading level is college graduate, so at least his ISO isn’t actually dumber in one of the games. but there’s a definite difference in the density and composition of keywords.

notice in general there’s a difference in the type of words he’s using. in the village ISO, there’s a lot more mentions of thinking, science, and other cool smartboy words, and use of more proactive language, wheras in this game there’s a lot more just… basic words.

okay, now that I’ve wasted my time on this, conclusions: the tone is very slightly off even on a macro level, as shown by fucking grammarly

it’s not definitive but it should be kept in mind

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If you were also smart, you would have also realized that:

Mist’s name is a new one here. I was explaining it to someone I thought was a newbie. Regardless of whether or not they were, I didn’t want to waate my time explaining what a FoS is in the event that they asked.

Bonus points: Jeremy is new. Chloe *seems* new, and Nuclear is probably new.

grammarly itself detected 29 writing issues in each case: a lot of those can be chalked up to FM-ish, but I must note that this came up in this game:


and this came up in the village one:


i’m not sure if this means anything but again, it’s quite interesting that he’s wrong in different ways.

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Lul what, this doesn’t make sense in my mind
But maybe I’m just a stupid newbie and I can’t understand what you great smart person are explaining

Jake, you were responding to Chemist’s posts with the presumption that they were wolfy. I think a key requirement for that is… reading them? checking their style, noticing that chemist is very clearly not a newbie

Why the fuck would Jake not think Chemist is a newbie? He’s never seen him
I think Nuclear_Rehab is a newbie.

he’s read chemist’s posts, hasn’t he?
why would you read those posts and think he dosen’t know what FoS means when he’s using LAMIST in a way that shows he very clearly knows what it means
it’s almost like he didn’t really pay attention to the posts of the person he was reading

Cause newbie = not played a lot on this site
None of us “newbies” are real newbies, we’ve played a ton of tol… but you wouldn’t count that
So why would you count games on other sites

because MU’s meta is basically ours but people can actually play mountainous properly

@Hippolytus take a drink