[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

Yeah because I definitely said Mist is town right? Its pretty clear mist is probably scum with that pop-in vote on conveniently after you started to push on us.

If you had read our iso our trs are in there, but you just revealed you haven’t and are therefore disingenuous in your push on us.

It wasn’t progressing. It was beginning to turn on against Luxy (Priestess and Jeremy sided the person he was pushing). No one was being convinced by Luxy.

Because you’re pissing me off

Look at the wagon on kai


Kai’s wagon was the most recent one

There is no point in deathtunneling a person all day regardless of how much I think they are scum.

I have been doing the opposite of what you’re saying: I still sr isaac and mist but kai is a good wagon as well and probably flips scum! Where did I ever say I stopped sr’ing isaac or mist?

the thing is not that you switched votes
But you IMMEDIATELY STOPPED talking about the other scumreads when you foccused on one

No trs at all though right @Mercenary?

I think we’re just arguing semantics

You never said another A about Isaac, Jake or Chem
You are just trying to tunnel people until you find an agreeable wagon

You are misreading my words.
You never said you stopped scumreading them. You just stopped talking about them at all.

I asked your townreads
I never said you had none
but so far we only have that unupdated readlist and Chloe as townreads

Yes because Luxy misreads everything I say and attacks the argument they read as if it was mines

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Hmm almost like the people who I scumread weren’t in thread at all? Wow sure is a lot to talk about when they aren’t creating any new content :man_facepalming:

Its literally why I said im content to let isaac do his thing because I wanted more from isaac to make a more solid judgement or reeval

P obvious that i tr nuclear and to an extent jake too since i said im happy with the Kai wagon

It’s hard for me to keep a cool head when I’m being angrily shouted at for literally playing the game
I’ll make a solid post instead of 1-liners

You are scumreading me for playing the game and have the audacity to complain about it



I get you scumread us
But saying we’re lying and gaslighting when that’s not the case is getting on my nerves

I can’t actually read when I have to contend with the argument of ‘hydra scum because they push different people with no resolution on previous ones’ when that’s NAI

Tell me

Why does town do it
Why does scum do it

I don’t understand your perspective and being called a gaslighter one more time will get me to flip

Because there was nothing to talk about

they think your argument has no merit

This argument isn’t yours?