[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

my pov

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Jeremy_Gonzalez, Hippolytus, Priestess and Mercenary 3/8
Chloe Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Mist1422 Chloe 1/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus, Kai_5 2/8
Kai_5 Nuclear_Rehab, Luxy and Geyde, JakeTheWolfie, Katze, Italy 5/8
Nuclear_Rehab Marshal 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Mist1422

mines is that

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Jeremy_Gonzalez, Hippolytus, Priestess and Mercenary 3/8
Chloe Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Mist1422 Chloe 1/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus, Kai_5 2/8
Kai_5 Luxy and Geyde, JakeTheWolfie, Katze, Italy 4/8
Nuclear_Rehab Marshal 1/8
Marshal Nuclear_Rehab 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Mist1422 2

Why would Mafia want to pass up on a wagon that could go to mislynch absurdly easily without damning their progression
Our play would be antiEV from your perspective

Switching gives thread spice and allows more opportunities to read people

/vote Geyluxy

Don’t want the Kai wagon to go through and probably won’t be able to come back

because it wasn’t progressing

But it was
That’s what my analysis on wagons did

Do I really need to protect Luxy?

This is sad

/vote Kai

There are 8 hours left in day
Should be fine

This is such a objectively terrible play from our PoV bussing both scumbuds neither of which were under pressure. Its pretty clear I want to push Kai to lynch here

You are literally scumreading me for playing the game. I am creating interactions and moving a stale thread what do you expect me to do? Be passive? If I was being passive you’d scumread me for that too. Its like you’re caught up in a awful confirmation bias that somehow one hydra HAS to be scum when there is no reason for this.

This thought process is either trying to mislynch us or supreme confirmation bias and you are making me reeval on my priestess read because of how bad your logic is. Like if you are town I can’t believe you would be this stupid.

It seems you are capitalising on hippo and jeremy’s votes upon us in order to push an easy mislynch because what you’re saying would mean we would actively be making our team lose if we were scum

Merc you need to re-evaluate and reread everything Geyde and I have said because your headcannon makes no sense and is not true.

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you could stop doing that ad hominem shit and explain yourself because saying this is just a taunt that is going nowhere

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Ok shut the fuck up I wrote an entire paragraph and thats what you focus on?

Anyway you are being scumread separatedly, the headcannon part here is the scumteam
you are not being read because of association, but the headcannon is the weakest part so obviously you are going to imprint it as if it was the principal reason

Except it isnt

Both of those statements can be true simultaneously and you know it
It’s an example of what you’ve been arguing doesn’t exist in our ISO

I’m reading :partying_face:

Your reasoning is literally me playing the game.

Luxy pushed more than one person?!?!?! Must be scum

I’m expecting you not to immediately forget you had a scumread when you see that your current wagon is not fruitful, and jumping to someone else immediately
what are your townreads?

you aren’t LHF even in hell LuxyGey

Nope, me + Priestess have found you fishy for a LONG time

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also stop swearing me in half the lines you write
that’s very rude