[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

but yes, now that you have, you’re right.

The wolves aren’t going to take advice from the villagers (or at least the “villagers”) on how to use their nightkills, Maxwell.

I still have the right to taunt though, even if it probably won’t work

I’m going to try and do a Geyde and do a thread tempo read: The way the thread moves around Alice indicates she’s probably a villager. I get the sense looking at her and how the thread talks about her that the wolves have decided not to push her and are just putting her on a shelf for later, if that makes sense.

Seriously, does it? help i feel like this read’s too simplistic

This does seem a bit shallow to me, to be honest.

Hope someone will analyze her wolf game resources that I provided.

yeah but think about it
everybody just talks about Alice and then quickly stops

I might later today. They probably should get commentated pretty soon.

She almost never rolls wolf and is always an extremely dangerous villager. That’s a much bigger factor IMO.

Not you, obviously, but there’s a lot of cases where people are like “oh yeah Alice! yeah she exists! She might be v!” and then move on.

Not really inherently indicative of anything significant

Gambler’s fallacy much.

I’m getting the impression you have absolutely no idea how I play Forum Mafia and incorrectly scumreading me for it.

I would just like to mention that.

I disagree. Even inactive Alice is talked about when she’s a wolf, because the wolves feel the need to get around to reading all their partners.

Yes, the fact that she’s an extremely potent villager might mean that her being a town leader is town indicative.
But the fact that we have so little exposure to her being a wolf (and I had to go to a game almost 3 months ago, on a different site), means to me that we can’t really assume anything about her until her scum game that we have access to is analyzed.

You might be right, but I tend to lean a bit more in the direction that we’re just grasping at straws, at least right now.

Join 10-man hydra which me and Var are organizing

This isn’t about her meta, though, it’s about how the other wolves interact with her when she’s a wolf.

Okay then provide evidence of such.

Her word alone is not good enough. If you want this to be accepted, we need to see a concrete past game with this in play.