[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

what the fuck
what the hell is wrong wtih you

Lol, if you think that was wasting time.

my god vul
we “wasted” 20 minutes of a 48 hour day, ergo we’re wolves
can you hear yourself talking

What’s wrong with you?
You openly desire to falsely openwolf as a joke as well as waste a great deal of space.

I could ask you the same question, since you’ve been wasting time for the past twenty minutes for no reason whatsoever other than ‘well eevee memed so I have an excuse to do this.’

This is a horrible mindset

I honestly want to kill you right now. The player. Not the person.

you’re cluttering ISO’s for no reason
This accomplishes nothing but wasting town’s time.

If Ici joined in and we convinced Vul that he got all scumteam correct for pushing him, Vul could clear himself reactionwose.

Of Ici tried to sabotage my attempt, despite me pinging them… they would get a lot of minus points

Yes it does. Because it’s funny. I’m having fun. In a game that’s meant to be fun.

Excuse me, I was realizing own plan which could help get us more info.

I was sabotaged by Icibalus.

i would much rather win than have the most possible fun while throwing, even if the throw was just to a tiny extent.
Sorry you don’t feel the same way.

Now I’m getting the impression that you’re not only infuriating, but also underestimating my intelligence. And that’s on top of discrediting me all game and scumreading me for what is a direct result of Looming Threat.

Get out of that tunnel right now if you’re town.

you’ve openly admitted you’re partial to doing something like this again. So yeah

TL;DR I’m not dumb enough to fall for a ‘scumslip that spews my entire team.’ Especially since it came from eevee.


Im not tunneling ypu, I was giving you opportunity to clear yourself.

It didnt work, but not cause of you, but cause someone stopped it in tracks.

So your right, in the end main goal only wasted time.

However it does give info about Icibalus.

It’s 20 minutes of a 48 hour day, as I said, and you and vulgard were the ones who got super pissed off and made it a big horrible wolfy thing.

Does it matter now?

Its not you who failed reaction to that.

Eevee, admit you were just fucking around, because that’s literally what you were doing. You can’t be arrogant enough to think that you know exactly how I’d react to you doing the pretending to be mafia meme thing that you do every game and know it was a reaction test intended for Vulgard.

you sound just like isaac now.