[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

Lol Vulgard

you clearly don’t know me very well
I utterly suck at detecting jokes and sarcasm
Like I constantly and even perhaps always fail to identify even the most obvious fakes.

Okay, look. If people start having conversations about how they’re discussing mafia plans in main chat, it’s obviously a meme. Unless it’s 1066. Which wasn’t a conversation, and the villagers didn’t notice it until 8 hours after it happened. So there’s that.

well it’s wasteful and unhelpful, so it’s not appreciated in the slightest

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Pokemon FM on ToS tho

What’s the point of FM if not to make shitty memes and piss everybody off?

I wasn’t there for that.

To try as hard as you reasonably can to win the game
What the fuck else

if you want to meme and piss people off for no reason, there’s a place for that, and i know you disagree, but i don’t think this is it.

No, the whole point of the game is memes.

this is a joke by the way

i despise memes
Maybe more than anyone you’ve ever spoken with before

actually probably. i have a deep, deep loathing for memes

As much as we can piss of Maxwell, that wasnt the point of it.

And Im not birwd enough to piss of same ot again.

Well that seems to be all that you managed to accomplish

The thread has devolved into a whole load of nothing and I’m getting tired of it.

One of the scum is encouraging it, it’s between eevee and Ici, and I’m ok with TRing Ici for now. I don’t believe eevee and Ici both don’t see this isn’t going anywhere and are town. That said, Jake scum would spew eevee town so yeah.

I think I have to walk back on the Icibalus town read.

/vote Icibalus

Fool. I have become one with the memes. You reject their power, but I have embraced them. I have seen both the dark and light sides of FM, and recognised that both have their weaknesses. Only by rejecting both and walking the path of the funny meme can true power be gained. The righteous and the meek may recoil at its’ cost, but they have no vision. The memes flow throughout all of reality, and burn within the souls of all who touch them. Memes alone are not to be feared.

Fear instead those who wield them.

I managed to give -20 points to Icibalus

/vote Icibalus

Both Ici and eevee have been wasting time for the past twenty minutes and it’s driving me nuts. I refuse to believe both are town doing this when there are still slots to be solved and analysis to be made.

Join me on the wagon on Ici, please. :<