[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins


What about me

I’m too lazy to copy-paste all of your posts into a word counter, you can do it yourself if you were curious. I’m mostly just being passive-aggressive about how Magnus refuses to actually put any effort into games and yet continues to take up a slot in them.

I put effort into hosting games

Since I’m a false wolf, this is false. I asked why Arete was going for a Shurian lynch because the wagon seemed to be getting a lot of steam.

Can you tell us why you asked this question?

if I keep spamming the slankers with questions eventually they’ll do something AI, right?

I could, but why would I? :wolf:

I wanted to know the opinions of people. If someone answered something akin to “It would because hammering out of nowhere is sus”, I would suspect them a bit more.

Because it helps us sort you (i.e. figure out your alignment) and if you’re town you should want that.

Can any of you show me anything with scum motivation from Shurian?

Cause so far it looks like borderline policy lynch.

/vote Kyo @Luxy @DatBird

Policy lynches never lynch town how could you go against the almighty Arete :wolf:

… what?

How does it answer my question?

I wasn’t intending to. That’s the question I essentially asked Arete

It honestly kind of is? I’m pretty confident in my towncore at the moment and since my PoE is refusing to do anything to distinguish themselves from each other, we kind of have to just pick one and go with it. As for things that are specifically pinging me, most of his Iso has basically no content/solving – the closest thing to solving is #2160, which is hedgy as all heck. Contrast that with V!Shurian in Lurking Threat, who was far more active + invested in actually solving the game, and it points towards Shurian as W trying to go under-the-radar.

How confident in your PoE?

So as you said, your lynching becouse of content, not scum motivation.


I’m still vetoing it hard then.

Except that there’s a noticeable difference between his content as town and scum. :thinking:

In any case, I don’t have a super strong opinion on what order we burn through the PoE in, the important thing is that we lynch someone in the PoE every day.


Maybe theirs family member is in hospital?
Maybe there is school test cooming soon?

Idc about activity and content reads, really.

Convince me with something actually ligment indicative.

I have an essay tomorrow

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