[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

This sets their progression up for the immediate future, which helps prevent them from leaning into doing scummy shit
The reason it comes from scum more than town is that it tries to direct thread as a whole, which scum gains more from due to not having to show good progression.

Prior PoV leads into a push that makes perfect sense from their progression

Justifying a push rather than trying to solve their alignment
Their post here is entirely logical, and looks good surface level in terms of progression.
Them saying to the person they are scumreading doesn’t make sense from town PoV. Why ask someone you are scumreading hard off of your progression for their thoughts on a take when the obvious response is RVS?


This may be due to the nature of their responses, but none of these come off ass having a direction to build off of
I don’t think these are particularly noteworthy for reading them

When I vote Alice, he doesn’t consider me scum instantly by his logic

This comes off as him not actually believing what he initially said
Maxi’s reason was nonexistent (iirc) as well
Does this to maintain that his original progression

Him later saying that he thought everyone in thread was town was a directly anti-wincon statement if he’s scum, but has complete contradictions based off of his lack of unvote despite calling Magnus null before

Under a presumption of Kyo/Magnus or Kyo/Shurian being on the same team, this makes perfect sense for him to do as scum
State that everyone that has posted so far is likely town, then you don’t actually have to engage with your teammate

The reason I bring up Magnus in particular is Kyo’s statement that becomes contradictory later based on his read of all players

Vote Count:

Accused Voters Count
KyoDaz Magnus, MaximusPrime 2/8
Magnus Shurian 1/8
JaketheWolfie Alice 1/8
Shurian Arete, Sulit, Vulgard, Maxwell, Kai_5 5/8
Vulgard Eevee 1/8

@ me if I missed any


As per your first part of quotes.

Good progression, even if shallow means kinda not much, since as you said, it can be faked, but also can come from town.

And asking your scumread for theirs read on you is also not bad, considering you know own aligment so you can test theirs PoV on confirmed town and messure if it’s setting up misslynch / or just wrong town easier.

There is other pearl worth focusing tho.
The first quote is very mechanical and… credit grabbing possibly?

It needs more insight if they aimed for credit or just informing town.

It’s simpler to read and more occam razory, since doesn’t include big theories about setting up progression.

So… while your read is not bad, you overcomplicate it, while omitting simpler opportunities to construct a read.

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Now time to think about second bunch of quotes.

/vote shurian

Actually, all his posts in second batch are… “I” “me”, even when talking about someone else.


Kyo on D2 is far and away worse in terms of actually reasonable posting.
He chooses a specific spot in thread and his only real conclusion is that Ici is Mafia and Vul is town.

His wording on the interaction is a crapshoot and it does more from a scum PoV than from a town PoV

(Note: He said he didn’t know Ici was flipped scum)
In town PoV he’s making associations between players in order to help solve. [or trying to derpclear himself. Might be in his range, not sure] Two flaws in this perspective:

  • He doesn’t follow through with a vote despite confidence in the read at any point. Does he really believe his vote in doing this?
  • It’s a preflip with extreme confidence uncharacteristic for the reasoning used.

From scum PoV, he could be trying to derpclear himself based off of not knowing that Ici flipped. Additionally, he could be using this to appear to be solving by reading a player that, from his place in the thread at that time, wasn’t guaranteed town. In retrospect they are obvious town now, which Kyo needs to acknowledge if they are scum.

2 questions:

When was last time you saw someone playing with thought in mind: “I need to do XYZ so I have consistent stepping stone for progression later on”

When was the last time you saw some scum townslipping on purpose?

You go kinda with too much of a stretch.
Simpllify your theory.

I was ignoring reading into it mostly on the basis that most players on this site focus an unnecessary amount of thought on mechanics
I guess that could be the case?

Magnus black flag
Ici here (tried to pass off the n1 ignite thing)

I know it’s definitely in Kyo’s scumrange

That’s a stretch

Doesn’t change a fact that posts like that have 2 different motivations from scum and town.

Town has this post as informational function.

Scum uses it to get some credit for themself.

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Post in question

Kyo almost instantly jumps to Ici scum for unreasonable reasons unless he had more to work off of
That’s bullshit progression considering he turned around his read on Maxi


Shush, that typo never happened.