[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

That was a gambit

Gambit here was Kyo trying to derpclear
It wasn’t successful unfortunately


Let’s agree to disagree.


I would like to appologize for day 1 of this game.

I know how annoying this strat is. Even if it’s one of most effective, it causes… replacements, general anger, stress.
That’s not how games should be played here.
I shouldn’t have made a training ground for questionable methodes.

Lazy god style is great. You saw not even once that very high level of anger makes aligment obvious.

Like Alice in LotR at peak moments.
Like Marshal here.

Anger is great tool in reading people. But regardless of that we should of not use it.
I should of not use it.

@whoever else I targeted


…I’m going to be totally honest here, part of why I don’t like resignations is that it allows for deductions like ‘Maxwell would have resigned already if it were him, so it has to be Litten because Litten doesn’t give up.’


You are last wolf poisoned And will die in 1 night in open non-bastard setup with no healer And you dont have enough KP to win even if you always mislynch

Just claim miller depending on setup

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Then ban it under outside of game influence, as you are using the resignation system to your advantage.
I’m also calling for a ban on using the report system, rules system and allsorts.

Just don’t fucking read like that because it literally gives you nothing

You said the same thing about Kyo and he used that

Using resignation meta was a bad kind of attack. Sorry for that; I won’t again

Me in the next scum Fol game: Im a miller

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my boy the 2-shot strongman omnimiller

I said setup dependent


When is OGI getting it’s own definition under angleshooting?

Lightning Rod Bulletproof Omnimiller

It’s not

ogi is angleshooting

OGI is not angleshooting at all.

just don’t cheat its that simple

ogi also fits under cheating

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