[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

What i said is somehting Ici claimed as Mafia before as a town fakeclaim

not lying about it, it was hilarious.

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angleshooting is cheating, OGI is cheating, thus OGI falls under angleshooting

I know

How did I play?

dae transitive property

Then what Maxwell done would have been against the rules if that was the case.

They banned talk like that on MU


@Marshal Was I a worthy replacement for you?

really amazingly actually

In ToL I once won a 2v1 as elected EK against a Prince and a Mystic when the Mystic had linked the Prince the previous night, a night which had begun with solely me, the Prince, the Mystic, and a jailed Alchemist alive

things aren’t over until they’re over, and just because you have a 99 percent chance of losing doesn’t mean you shouldn’t play for that 1 percent

Really really really obvious town

You spent too much time looking at Alice’s past games instead of actually looking at her posts here


meta and isos from other games is not ogi


i disagree with that example. You had thought it out very well, blue was already sussed hard, and scum had control of the thread.

I do agree that no one should give up (unless doing so gives a strategical advantage) but you were at an advantage there.

Sorry, didn’t realize that was angleshooting. As I said, i will never use that kind of attack again.



Avoid MU 3-headed hydra game if you want to avoid lazy god style.
Good advice.

That game is probably gonna end up as big shitstorm.

It’s not often that I can play with Lazy God himself tho, so yeah… it’s gonna happen.

Yeah i did, i looked way too much at her posts in those other games.

You are open to your own opinions maxwell. But you will never be a great mafia player if you think that game is unwinnable.

"Outside Game Influence (OGI) refers to when a player is using information outside of the game to influence their decisions inside the game. I.e. if another player in the game who doesn’t usually use Skype suddenly logs on, one could maybe assume this means they’re logging on to chat with their fellow mafia members. Mentioning this in the game thread would be an example of OGI. " - From MU

OGI is banned on MU and it should be banned here as well.