[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

I nie zamierzam czytać 500 postów, nie znudziło mi się jeszcze.

There is literally no rule which forces me to stop.

Mod fight, mod fight!!
‘And I have no intention of reading 500 posts, I haven’t gotten bored yet.’

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Widzicie? Mam nawet osobistego tłumacza.

“See? I even have a personal translator.”
This is funny because I actually intend to take translation classes one year from now. I’m not enjoying this very much though because it’s a mafia game.

But anyway, I still have a bad feeling about this and suspect eevee has a red rolecard.

Eevee, im really not in the mood

You should know better.

Suka bluat


Jak chcesz mogę Cię wkręcić do firmy zajmującej się tłumaczeniami jako freelancer współpracujący, chociaż pewnie lepiej jakbyś już miał doświadczenie.

Możliwe, że porozmawiamy o tym za kilka lat.

Okay, I think I’m done. The post above was off-topic, but if you want me to translate it, I can do that.

Let’s cease.

Now shut up


“If you want, I can get you into a company that makes translations as a cooperating freelancer, although it’d probably be better if you already had experience.”

“It’s possible we’re going to talk about this in a few years.”

I have no idea why I’m doing this and clogging the thread.

Hja, what do you think about Geyde?


…Okay? Can you elaborate?


Dunno I want to be on PC when making ISO

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Ex post facto law.

I’m fine with it.

Jryy, grpuavpyl guvf vf fgvyy ratyvfu.

Fb abj V’z abg oernxvat nal ehyrf ntnva.

Kdosijjsjs₽lfldndkosoxbnd mfldldldnsnn!!?hildbzbi&! )₽!n’?vj₽₽v₽j,v₽’’!jkknbb₽&n