[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

Says Person Who cant even post a read

Love you :slight_smile:

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I’m thinking Shurian’s ‘hot take’ is just “Hja town.”


Thats the only read you got from580 post…

Maybe? Keep guessing :slight_smile:

500 posts.

And I signed up only 9 hours ago.

This thread is HOT

Groupscum has arrived. :gun:
Not really, but hi Eevee.

Actually since game rules apparently don’t forbid me from doing so, I’m gonna finish this game while talking sololy in polish and latin. :^)

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Co tam u ciebie Vulgard?

Podpaliłeś kiedyś coś? Ja w sumie tak, chociaż przypadkiem.

I can’t believe I need to warn you, eevee.

Please only speak English


Used Google translate it Says:
Vulgard stop bussing me

Niestety w tej grze nie mogę, a szkoda. Fajnie by było poprawić grę z czerwoną kartą postaci.

^ I’m not planning to continue this, don’t worry.

“What’s up Vulgard?”
“Have you ever ignited anything? I actually have, although accidentally.”

“I have. Unfortunately I can’t do that in this game, which is a shame. It would be nice to improve my game with a red rolecard.”

Nie ma zasady za którą możesz mnie ostrzec.

Nigdzie nie jest podane że mam mówić po angielsku.

W najgorszym razie @Vulgard przetłumaczy.

English only grrrr

@Luxy He’s saying that there is no rule you can warn him for. It is not stated anywhere that Eevee has to speak English. …In the worst case scenario, @ Vulgard is going to translate.

@eevee Why u do this.

  1. Nulla poena sine culpa
  2. Nulla culpa sine lege

Every forum mafia has this rule

Well, it’s Eevee.
Unfortunately I don’t know Latin. This is getting out of hand.

I actually kinda think eevee might be scum because he comes into the thread fluffposting instead of catching up.

@eevee cease this immediately