[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

Don’t force me to do work! Nyaaa!

don’t have one yet

might choose u bc of that wallpost that consisted all of scumreads and no real pushes/votes

same thing

i called myself a vanilla cit too when i got my classcard

what it felt like when marl was still here and took control d1


vote me then

felt like you were just jumping on the wagon and didn’t really backup the push later.

its almost as if i stated the fact i was at school

Good news, folks, the IT department at my school was able to do Computer Magic of some sort and now my laptop is working again. Looking forward to actually be able to Iso people :upside_down_face:


wut why

that one post isn’t enough for me to vote you yet and why would you want to be voted in the first place bc it’s gamethrowing

Vote scumreads

Alright, since I had a couple micro-townreads on him but weird gut feelings, I took a look at Vulgard.

Quoting his full opening here as it’s a big part of why people were scumreading him at first. My vague understanding of the logic here is ‘high effort opening = wolf who wants towncred = scum’ but having mislynched him over it once already I’m not really seeing it here. In particular he entered at a point in thread when there was already a lot of content floating around so it makes sense that he’d have a well-thought-out opening.

This is where Ici’s push on Vulgard starts, and Vul’s response.

His initial read on Maxi is hedgy as heck but I don’t actually think it’s scummy hedging. Basically, the way Alice explained it after PyMM, you can tell whether hedging is scummy or villagery based on whether they keep just hedging or whether their response is to try to solve the slot…

…and Vulgard’s immediate response is to try to solve the slot, which is a villagey response to hedging.

He also hedges on Kyo, but once again he Iso’s him and comes to the conclusion he’s town. This is again a villagery way of dealing with uncertainty.

After we all scumread Maxi for doing this earlier I don’t think scum!Vulgard would immediately come in and do literally the exact same thing that everyone said was scummy, he levelled a bit in LotR but not nearly that much.

So after his wallpost on Maxi he goes back to being unsure, and his immediate response is to go do a meta-comparison across games.

[this continues for a bit]

This is a villagery thought process in my opinion; in particular, if W!Vulgard wanted to come to the conclusion that Maxi was scum, I think he would have just come to that the first time he Iso’d Maxi, rather than townreading him and then changing his mind without much prompting. His thought process here shows a lack of an agenda.

Still thiking this is a townslip.

[eevee comes in and memes a bit]

THIS IS IMPORTANT. Vulgard was scumreading Eevee before Eevee came back and scumread him. This is important for evaluating Vul’s thought process later (and obviously for solving Eevee but this is a Vul wall not an Eevee wall).

pinging people = lockscum yeah, this seems pretty NAI.

Disagree with whoever it was that called it shading, Marshal’s logic there was genuinely really bad.

Having said that, I don’t really like the amount of shading in Vul’s posts, even if each individual answer makes sense.

townie thought process

Scumreads Max/Geyde on the basis of pre-game meme posts. This again actually seems townie because wolves are generally more attentive and self-conscious to details like that.

I kind of don’t like this as he wasn’t really pushing Ici or Geyde that much until they pushed him. Agree on Eevee.

Don’t really see scum!Vulgard picking three of the strongest active players and accusing them of being exactly the scumteam. Like, particularly if none of them are your wolfbuddies, that’s basically just a way of drawing all their attention to you, which you don’t want. If it were just one I could see some levelling going on (like my D1 push on Alice in LotR, that kind of thing) but I don’t see him targeting all three of them like this.

Still don’t think W!Vul says this.

I would like an explanation of this Ici read please

yeah okay I’m only quoting one of his ATE posts and I really really hate that I’m townreading him for this but Vulgard wouldn’t resort to this sort of ATE as scum, not after Looming Threat, it’s just not consistent with who he is as a person.

Back to Kyo, this seems like a pretty natural outgrowth of his previous thoughts.

Only thing that pings me about this readlist is him putting Sulit this high – it doesn’t really make sense with his earlier reads on Sulit.

also I’m going to be honest this readlist correlates very strongly with ‘how much have they been scumreading Vul’ and I again don’t think he’d be that obvious.

Why Geyde over Eevee here, if they’re both at the bottom of your scumlist?


Townreading Vul based on this Iso. On a macro level his thought process feels natural to me and I’m not seeing the TMI that everyone else claims exists, and I have a few pretty confident microreads on him. (…admittedly I keep putting wolves in my towncore over natural thought processes, but.)

also /vote Eevee @Luxy

Took a look over his Iso while writing up the last wall and his look on the game is really narrow, will try to explain this after O-chem discussion.

iso me

Fuck, didn’t realize the game started so soon. I’ll read over the thread and catch up when I get home.

ur the one that didn’t vote any of ur srs and i only fos you for now as ive said before


1 Like

hola nerds, time for the vul iso


Immediately very defensive :eyes:

weird comment about coaching, but it would be a reach to call this AI

Decent point here from ici.

How is this trying to shut doewn the read?

Minor AtE is still AtE.

admitting to being biased after a few posts hmm… This feels like scum being “oh im honest about my bias so please don’t use that as a point”

Lets go over his commentarrey on the maxi Iso


Not a reason

Weak reason already, and then discredits it by saying “le metareads dumb”

@Vulgard Why? This is such a weak read that scum can just give as an excuse to TR someone.

Oh i have reasons to like it. But i can’t think of them. :thinking:

Even more hedgey and playing both sides. God this whole ISO reeked of hedge and weak reads. This felt like scum wanting to let people know they TR someone, but not having actual reasons for it.

Now for his Kyo ISO

Not AI or a reason.

Not about kyo

IIOA. From vulgard. not liking this.


Not about kyo.


MORE IIOA(information instead of analysis for people not getting it, btw) a newbie or scummy thing to do, but vulgard isn’t newbie.

IIOA!!! He Has given literally nothing so far that pertains to reads on kyo and we are like 20 posts from kyo in.

First real content. Stll gives the “i could be wrong but…” thing, but at least makes a read.

IIOA and then hedge. Town-Vul is way better than this.


A godawful ending to a godawful ISO. We get IIOA, hedge, and then inconclusivity.

Alright nerds. This is only vulgardposts 30/215 but i already have a hard scumread.

Please read the highlighted part(his ISO on kyo) if nothing else, as that is hella scummy.

Conclusion? Mostly confident Scumread. I’m gonna do the rest, but the first 1/6 of his game was a beast to go through and is very scummy.

Also, just gonna give a little montage of this garden of hedges:


450 again




Marshal has found a scumtell. He is just hedging every read here and saying he will “reread” before coming to a conclusion so that he won’t actually, you know, have to give real reads

There isn’t a world for me where someone other than vul is lynched.

This is 30/~200 posts.

I am prepared to go deeper if that’s what you want(and that’s what she said)

it’s not a tell unless it’s consistent compare this to lotrfm