[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

I did, and that’s why it’s so frustrating why I can’t say anything except that I like his posts and the thought behind them seems villagery


No, let’s just reroll this thing @Icibalus

I did mess up the chats, yes.
That’s pointless to continue.

If one of us falls, they just gonna lynch others after that post.

Sorry for messing up so perfect mafia squad.

Sorry for inactivity I was in the hospital.

I will now proceed to tally the votes

Don’t you think his entrance was scummy as hell? I’m referring specifically to his behavior around Max.

its okay I’ll get Luxy to rig the rand so we end up on the same team again


What is this?
Did mafia just resign the game?

Good meme

I don’t know what version of his ISO you’re reading but okay

Lol, I pinged both Geyde and Ici here instead of maf chat and only Magnus noticed

Yeah you guys were fucked

In case anybody hasn’t guessed, this is a meme We’re definitely not mafia haha
look at our funny memes haha

please stop memeing
softing wolf is never a joke

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Naearly as good as Too Gay logo

I think it’s less that Ici is scummy to me and more that he just pisses me off by his mere presence whenever he’s in the thread because of his dismissive attitude and blatant disregarding of everyone he doesn’t consider ‘worthwhile.’

clearly multiple people failed to read this post or just don’t care

Whatever, this doesn’t get me anywhere.

@Magnus I think we’re going to lynch you, what are your final words going to be?

which is utterly infuriating

it’s so obvioulsy a joke

Eevee doesn’t give two shits because he’s Eevee, as infuriating as it can be.