[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

Does anyone have advice for me on how to improve?

it has to be a hard confirm for it fall under angleshooting

Yes it was in towns best interest to have you there and not me.

you did well.

except for not calling enough people nerds

Then apparently that shouldn’t be there

It is banned here reads the rules thread

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Oh i’ve already accepted that I’ll never be truly great at this game.
I just play it for fun and do what I can to contribute


Improving you say.

The True Casual

we got em.

Again metas and isos from other games are not banned

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If it were i would suck at VFM

This game was almost unwinnable following d1
Almost is keyword

You just needed very very high WiM and some strong points, but it could be done


High WIM and Insanity will win you any mafia game


After D1 it was still perhaps winnable
After Shurian slipped though it was completely over.

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honestly kyo

seriously OGI is a form of angleshooting

think of it as telling your friend on discord something that they shouldn’t know.

Did you read scumchat? She slipped on purpose as a strategy

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Not when I’m packing heat :gun:

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oh shit not the squirt gun


I admit to giving up too early in Paint mafia
Resigning Day 1 is kind of bad
I joined that game when I didn’t have enough time to play it and SFoL 00 concurrently, admittedly

Well it was such a bad slip it never would have worked

Just don’t roll mafia 4head