[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

/vote Napoleon In contrast, I already dislike this slot. Feels like it’s trying (and failing) to fit in at SoD. Villagers don’t need to bother. They just do fit in by default.

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I know I said the reads came across as pure, but at this point it’s way too much. Richard is making an effort to post a read on every player in the game for some reason and it’s weird. Not sure what to think about it.

I want to say “wolf who’s trying to be helpful,” but I’m not sure if that play as wolf fits Richard’s profile. Then again, he didn’t really have substantial reads in Virtuous. Could just be because he read the guides I gave him. But if he did, he would know that early reads are generally considered wolfy and probably wouldn’t post them.

I think I’m just confused here by this SoD. Initial ping was villa, but now I’m starting to reconsider.

Still leaning villa, I just have some reservations now.

Ride or die, Arete villa
They have an extremely similar POV to mine and I’m a villager
I don’t think they ever have that as wolf here.

Respond to My deep read

I hate this post with a burning passion. Let Amelia post, dammit. She’s typically a high poster. Let her properly post and then infer alignment.

My vote is in a good spot.

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Somewhat comfortable with leaning DatBird V here.

let’s solve the game together
ride or die villa

Arete has had way too many of the same thoughts as me
This never happens if our alignment is opposite.

A world where me/Arete/Marshal are all V seems like too good of a world but that’s where I’m at rn.

Might need to wait until I see Marshal’s pushes. Typically it’s fairly easy to determine his alignment based on his pushes.

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Kinda reads as defensive, given the fact Arete wasn’t really trying to set up a proper push.

Not sure if AI. Yet.

Appel’s tone is really, really good so far. Not sure if unfakeable, but I like it a lot.

Wtf is that read. This is fake. I think Napoleon spewed Italy as wolf if Napoleon is a wolf.

Anyway non-posters are probably sleeping for now. There is still well over a day for them to contribute.


I can sheep that read tbh. I totally see where you’re coming from.

So… Italy being hesitant to vote is village indicative? Why would a villager be hesitant to vote someone on day 1?

Italy doesn’t come across as relaxed whatsoever, though.

What?? The previous post says that there is V stuff, but you end up with a nullread and point out scum equity?

I don’t understand this. Did you somehow reach a conclusion opposite to your thought process?

Ew, stop.

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@Emilia Which read are you referring to as your “deep read?”

I think I get it now but still don’t like it very much. “Does wolfy stuff, but some stuff brings me closer to null.” I’m… not sure if anything Appel has posted was strongly AI.

Holy shit, how many times in a row have I posted by now?

This is a deep read

You’re a villager.
Great read.

Not a great read, but I do lean you V for attitude.

i drank a redbull
i am currently incapable of relaxation

The Village:




Null Zone/Potential Wolves:

sulit / eevee / Alice / Andrej / Derps / Hippo / Squid / Amelia

Where I’m at.

I know some of these are memes, but Italy talks about their image a lot in this ISO and the game has barely begun. I don’t recall them doing this as a villager, either in Looming Threat, Virtuous, or Evolution Mafia. Feels like “look at me, I’m so hurt, people are ignoring me and wolfreading me for the wrong reasons. Pout pout.” And I don’t think it comes from a villager. I don’t think a villager would care about the thread’s treatment of them unless they were being voted, which has not happened yet.

I may be reading too much into this too early, but my initial pings are negative. I just feel like Italy’s POV is not very villagery.