[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

Hmm, I got too much of it.


85 loafs.

So sure.

everybody wants me to join their setups and i dont even know if i wanna play more forum mafia :eyes:

I’m still not sure what to do with 85 loafs of bread tbh.

Gimme ideas.

give chleb to @Chloe

give chleb to @Chloe

eat chleb

Toast them all

I’m actually searching for real ideas.

And somehow fail at that like I did yesterday

how do you mess up toast

how many loaves of bread have you eaten to heal your wounds
how much blood have you drank in your life

im not all that sure how croutons work but what if you just made a fuckton of those

I literally burnt one side while leaving the other side uncooked

Marshal wanna game


but how

zero and … a bit?

Never thought of using loaves to heal, lmao.


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They would go bad after a while still.

bird might do jackbox after turbowo so then yes

would they

ok then

eevee didn’t get the reference
